Friday, October 28, 2005

BICARA KALBU-Ketenangan hati boleh atasi keresahan jiwa

Friday, October 28, 2005

Ketenangan hati boleh atasi keresahan jiwa

Ketenangan hati boleh atasi keresahan jiwa

SAYA adalah seorang usahawan muda yang baru beberapa tahun menjalankan perniagaan membaiki kenderaan. Akhir-akhir ini, perniagaan merosot, rakan kongsi menarik diri dan pelanggan semakin kurang. Pihak bank mula hendak menyaman kerana bayaran pinjaman tertunggak.

Saya semakin risau kerana jika perniagaan terus begini, lama-kelamaan akan tutup kedai. Bank akan menyeret saya ke mahkamah. Bagaimana, isteri dan anak hendak hidup. Bagaimanakah saya ingin hilangkan kemelut jiwa ini?

Kuala Lumpur.

Memang benar apa yang saudara katakan. Ini adalah kemelut jiwa yang terhasil dari hati yang resah dan kurang yakin terhadap masa depan. Adat berniaga memang begitu. Ada masa lebat dan ada masa kering.

Ketika lebat, kita berjimat, sewaktu kering, kita bersabar. Saat bersabar ini memerlukan kekentalan jiwa dan hati yang pasrah.

Saudara yang berniaga sudah memahami selok belok perniagaan. Saudara lebih arif mengenai tips dan taktik dalam dunia perniagaan. Saya berpendapat apa yang saudara perlukan ialah tips untuk hati.

Segala keresahan dan kebimbangan berpunca dari hati. Kerana setiap perbuatan bermula dari hati. Begitu juga setiap kejayaan dalam apa bidang berpangkal dari hati. Jagalah hati agar tidak sekali kali mendahului sesuatu yang belum berlaku.

Firman Allah bermaksud : “Telah hampir datangnya janji yang telah ditetapkan oleh Allah, maka janganlah kamu meminta disegerakan.” (Surah an-Nahl, ayat 1)

Hari esok adalah adalah sesuatu yang belum tentu dan nyata. Mengapa kita mesti menyibukkan diri dengan hari esok, mencemaskan dengan kesempitan dan kemungkinan negatif yang bakal berlaku. Begitu juga memikirkan perkara yang akan menimpa, meramalkan bencana yang bakal mencelakakan?

Bukankah kita juga tidak tahu sama ada akan bertemu dengannya atau tidak? Kita tidak tahu adakah kita akan bertemu dengan kesusahan atau kesenangan pada esok?

Hakikatnya esok masih di alam ghaib dan belum berpijak di alam nyata. Tidak sepatutnya kita menyeberangi jambatan sebelum benar-benar berada di atasnya. Kita tidak pasti sama ada akan sampai ke jambatan itu atau tidak? Mungkin juga kita akan berhenti sebelum sampai di jambatan.

Mungkin juga jambatan itu hanyut dibawa arus sebelum kita sampai ke situ. Boleh jadi juga apabila kita sampai di jambatan itu dan boleh pula menyeberanginya!

Memikirkan masa depan dengan mengagak-agak dan membuka alam ghaib, kemudian kita hanyut dalam kecemasan yang hanya sangkaan adalah sesuatu yang tidak baik untuk hati dan keyakinan kita. Ini hanya angan-angan dan sangka buruk.

Itulah lumrah kehidupan. Ramai insan yang termakan dengan ramalan mengenai kelaparan, kemiskinan, wabak penyakit dan krisis ekonomi yang kononnya akan menimpa mereka. Pada hal, semua itu adalah sebahagian daripada hasutan was-was syaitan yang akhirnya menyesatkan manusia.

Firman-Nya bermaksud: “Syaitan itu menjanjikan (menakuttkan) kamu dengan dengan kemiskinan dan kepapaan (jika kamu bersedekah) dan ia menyuruh kamu melakukan perbuatan keji (bersifat kedekut), sedangkan Allah menjanjikan kamu (dengan keampunan daripadanya serta kelebihan kurnian-Nya.” (Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 268)

Janganlah memaksa esok untuk hari ini. Sedarlah bahawa usia, nasib kita pada esok berada di tangan Allah yang Maha Berkuasa.

Gunakan hari ini sepenuhnya dan sempurnakan kerja hari ini dengan kesabaran dan kesyukuran. Hindarilah angan-angan dan prasangka yang kosong.

Sempena Ramadan, marilah kita berdoa, beristighfar selepas menghitung dosa masa lalu. Munajat kepada Allah agar Dia menunjukkan kita jalan penyelesaian terbaik.

PERSOALAN dijawab oleh Endok Sempo Mohd Tahir dan sebarang masalah dan pandangan layari

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Now It’s Nearly Over – How Did You Go?

Now It’s Nearly Over – How Did You Go?

By Aziza A.D.U.

Life provides us with many challenges – sometimes they come as a surprise and at other times we know they’re coming and we get the chance to prepare for them. Ramadan belongs to the second group. We have the whole year to prepare ourselves and thirty days to prove ourselves and then, we have the final chance to evaluate ourselves.

So before we can evaluate ourselves we need to know what we should have done. Perhaps you would like to ask yourself a few simple questions and then you can get an idea about whether or not you have grown in any way throughout this blessed time.

· Do you feel closer to Allah?

· Do you feel less nervous and stressed?

· Do you feel the desire to do good deeds and enrich yourself spiritually?

· Do you feel more mercy for people generally?

· Have you healed any estranged relations with family members and friends?

· Do you feel that your life now has a clear aim and you feel the ability to meet the challenges?

Ramadan is a time of spiritual renewal and strength. It is well-known that the spirit controls so many aspects of the self, including the body. So if you really want to do something in your life and your desire is sincere and determined, your body will simply follow.

There are three possible conclusions to the fast of this Ramadan. Either you:

· had a wonderful successful Ramadan, (congratulations and may Allah accept all your good deeds),

· had a reasonably good Ramadan but there were times you got angry or did bad deeds (hmmm, now is a good time to do more good deeds to cover those slip-ups),

· or it was a disaster, meaning you missed Fajr Prayer most of the time, over-ate and over-slept, were grumpy and moody and couldn’t wait till it was over (needs heavy re-thinking about yourself and what you do)!

But as long as there is life, there is hope to change, be better, and improve your relation with Allah Most High.

Most of the time people fail to perform well in Ramadan because they don’t really understand what it is all about. Allah Most High has enjoined fasting on all people throughout time through their respective prophets (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon them all). It is an act of worship that draws the person closer to Allah and helps to purify the heart and mind and teach him to focus on life and what is important and what is not. Fasting softens the heart and makes the person feel more compassion and generosity toward the poor and needy. All these things will take place if the servant of Allah does this act for His sake, seeking to be close to Him, and receive the reward of fasting.

However, if someone fasts only because it is a habit to do so and a part of one’s culture and family practice, then obviously the effects of fasting will not be felt in the same way. The essence of acts are found in the intentions behind them. You are the best one to know the answer to this question. Why did you fast in Ramadan? Was your intention solely to obtain the pleasure and mercy of Allah Most High? If your intention was anything other than this, and the outcome of fasting was not that of spiritual renewal and closeness to Allah, then you have to know that your intention did not hit the target.

On a brighter note, be sure that Allah Most High is the Most Merciful and He loves to forgive! So if you have, for any reason, fallen short this Ramadan, turn to Him and seek His forgiveness and ask for guidance to better yourself and then start to prepare for next Ramadan…..

Monday, September 26, 2005

Losing Weight During Ramadan

Losing Weight During Ramadan

By Karima Burns, MH, ND

Fast [the month of Ramadan] so that to heal your bodies from diseases," says a Hadith, or saying of the Prophet Mohammad (SAAW).

Weight gain could be seen as one of these diseases. However, to lose weight during Ramadan fasting must be done in a very careful manner. There are many ahadith that give us advice on how to eat healthy while fasting during Ramadan. However, people often forget these healthy eating habits during Ramadan. Ironically, as well, there are more "eating traps" during Ramadan than any other month. So, as we struggle to be good Muslims and fast, we may inadvertently be straying from the path of the Prophet by breaking all rules of good health. The most common "Ramadan pitfalls" are: Eating a large iftar (meal at breaking of fast) right after the Maghrib azhan (sunset call to prayer), eating unusual or new foods, too many salty foods, too many sweet foods, increasing consumption of tea or coffee, not sleeping enough, skipping meals, eating too much bread or other foods, changing lifestyle habits, and reducing exercise.

Eating a large iftar right after the azhan is not recommended in the Hadith. The large influx of food consumed after a day of fasting can cause the digestive system to "clog". For this reason it is recommended that Muslims break their fast on dates and water or a simple soup, perform the Maghrib prayer and then eat a moderate iftar. Ideally, another small meal should then be eaten after the Tarawih (evening prayers during Ramadan) prayers.

Eating a large iftar can also be a problem because it can involve "trigger foods". Trigger foods are foods that cause people to desire more and more of the same food. Sugar is one popular trigger food. The opposite of "trigger foods" are "ideal foods". You can find out your trigger foods by observation or by visiting a naturopath. Everyone should know what foods they are allergic to, what foods are their "trigger" foods and what foods are their "ideal foods".

Eating too much is an obvious pitfall to weight loss during Ramadan. The Qur'an says, "Eat of the good things we have provided for your sustenance but commit no excess therein" (20:81). Many people do not realize that they are eating more because they try not to. However, keep in mind that the rest of the year people usually eat a small breakfast, rush off to work or school and then eat a small lunch and a larger dinner. Then they sleep. In some cultures they eat a larger lunch and then a smaller dinner. In Ramadan, however, iftar tends to be quite large and eating can continue into the night with numerous visits to family and friends. The morning suhur (pre-fast meal) is often quite large as well. It helps during this time to keep an eating diary for a "reality check". I am sorry to say that most people in my practice that say they are not eating too much find out otherwise when they write it down.

Eating new or unusual foods is also a problem for weight loss during Ramadan. In fact, making any lifestyle changes can be stressful and contribute to weight gain. Stress can cause weight gain in people that are susceptible to stress. If you are the type of person who does not like change and prefers that "everything has its place and everything is in its place" or you are happiest at home then you are probably a person who does not deal with the stress of change very well. Vitamin B complex vitamins can help people deal with stress. There are also many herbs that can help with stress.

Eating new foods also increases the chance you may be allergic to something you are eating. The Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) said, "The stomach is the pool of the body and the veins lead to it. When the stomach is healthy, the veins convey health from it: When the stomach is ill, the veins convey illness." Foods you are allergic to can make your stomach ill, resulting in asthma attacks, hives and weight gain. There is now scientific proof that allergies or food sensitivities can cause weight gain. Many people have lost enormous amounts of weight by discovering their allergies and eliminating those foods from their diets. Common allergens are eggs, peanuts, milk, wheat, soy and many others.

The types of food you chose to eat during Ramadan can also defeat your efforts to lose weight. If you eat too many salty foods your body will retain water and cause you to feel bloated. At the same time, a lack of water in the body causes the body to retain fat and other toxins more readily, as it does not have enough fluid to "flush" toxins out of the body.

The Qu'an clearly states, "Ye people eat of what is on earth, lawful and wholesome" (2:168). If you eat too many un-wholesome foods, such as processed breads and sweets, you will gain weight. These processed and sugary foods are "trigger foods". These foods also leach nutrients from your body and thus cause your body to crave more food in general because it feels very unsatisfied.

Eating too many breads and starches can also cause weight gain. Ramadan is often the time when women like to display and share their cooking abilities. Breads are usually considered the mark of a good cook and the way to display an inviting table to your guests. However, not everyone considers bread to be the height of good cooking. The books The Zone Diet by Barry Sears and the McDougall Plan by Dr. McDougall explains in great detail how starches and grains contribute to weight gain. The book Your Health...Your Choice by Ted Morter, MD goes into even more detail about bread, including how most grains and legumes, along with milk and meat, contribute to the acid environment in our body which promotes overall bad health.

The best way to solve the problem of eating too many starches is to make sure you eat the right proportions from the various food groups to ensure weight loss. Imagine that you are preparing your plate with only vegetables and you are only allowed to use meat, milk, and grains as the condiments. Limit yourself to one cup of any given grain per meal and use meat and milk products as condiments. Start thinking of celery as something to spread peanut butter on instead of bread, think of carrot sticks with hummus instead of pita bread, and try a lettuce leaf instead of tortilla shells. Don't give up eating breads and meat, just de-emphasize them and save them for special dishes only. Your goal should be to consume about 70% vegetables (and fruits, but less of them) and 30% grains, beans, milk products and meat.

There is also an entire category of foods that contribute to weight loss because they are "bitters" or contain a high percentage of water. As a rule any herb or food that is bitter helps move fats through the system faster and more efficiently. You must still eat these foods in moderation and correct proportion. They are not foods you can eat unlimited amounts of. Bitter and watery foods include: amaranth, quinoa, oats, corn, rye, adzuki beans, cucumber, zucchini, summer squash, sweet potatoes, celery, asparagus, kale, brussel spouts, cabbage, and other sprouts. You can also cook with spices that help speed your metabolism. These spices include: cardamom, cayenne, cinnamon, ginger.

Discontinuing exercise can also cause weight gain during Ramadan. Most people reduce their workloads in some way stating "It's Ramadan so I should rest." For most people, this is untrue. If you have an unstable health condition the stress of fasting may mean that you should be careful. However, if you are so unhealthy that you cannot lead a normal life during Ramadan then you should not be fasting anyway. We need to exercise to pump blood and lymph through our bodies. The heart pumps blood but the feet and legs pump the lymph; and the lymph glands are what help us process and get rid of excess fats and toxins in the system. To really get the lymph flowing you need to have a good twenty minutes of NON-stop brisk walking. However, remember that exercise alone may not help some people lose weight so don't get discouraged if it does not help you. Keep in mind that you should not overwork and that moderate exercise will at least help you keep up your motivation to do the other therapies!

The increase of social coffee and tea drinking also contributes to weight gain during Ramadan. Caffeine (found in coffee, tea, chocolate and even decaffeinated teas and coffees) can cause weight gain in people. This is because carbonated beverages and caffeine leach calcium from your system, which means that you will feel less full all the time and tend to eat the wrong or more things.

Using some herbal teas instead of coffee and tea can also assist in weight loss. I recommend using "single" mixtures or weight loss mixtures that have been tested for hundreds of years and are still in use. Many herbal weight loss formulas on the market have been tested thoroughly, but only for short periods of time. There is a growing pressure to create new formulas all the time, so as a result many weight loss formulas on the market now have not been tested for long-term effects to organ systems; many contain shocking mixtures of various herbs that do not combine well. Secondly, each person is unique depending on their physiological type as well as their lifestyle and their unique allergies or health conditions. A tea which may help one person lose weight may cause another to gain weight. A professional herbalist, when creating a program for you will consider the herbs of oat straw, dandelion, alfalfa, fennel, fenugreek, milk thistle, and other herbs that cleanse the liver or lymphatic system. The herbalist may also recommend using some essential oils in a bath or massage such as juniper, bergamot, citrus oil, rosemary, or sage oil.

Surprisingly, lack of sleep can also cause weight gain in people. And it is common in Ramadan for people to not get enough sleep. Not getting enough sleep can put excess stress on the body, which can trigger weight gain.

Not eating enough can also be a surprising cause of weight gain. Not eating Suhur triggers a starvation response in your body, which actually slows down your metabolism for the rest of the day. This is like putting all that food you are eating on "slow motion" instead of "fast". If you skip breakfast your food will metabolize sluggishly in your system and contribute to your weight gain.

Taking vitamins during Ramadan may also cause weight gain. Vitamin D supplements or Multi-vitamins contribute to weight gain. Many people think that since they are not eating the foods they are used to during Ramadan that they should take a vitamin "just in case". Vitamins should never be taken for that reason and should always be recommended by a health care professional. Vitamins can cause damage to organs, malnutrition or other health problems when taken inappropriately.

Last, but not least, remember that Ramadan does not have to be the time of year to lose weight. Don't focus on losing weight this Ramadan. Focus on the meaning of Ramadan, follow the tenants of good health recommended by our Prophet and you will find the weight will come off.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Ingat Mati Tetapi Lupa Diri Putri Eja

Ingat Mati Tetapi Lupa Diri

Sebuah hadith Qudsi yang cukup panjang dan mencuit hati kita. Sungguh indah dan amat baik untuk kita renungkan.

" Aku ( Allah ) hairan terhadap orang yang yakin akan datangnya kematian tetapi ia masih membanggakan diri ?

Aku hairan terhadap orang yang yakin dengan hari perhitungan ( hisab ), kenapa ia masih sibuk menimbun harta benda?

Aku hairan terhadap orang yang yakin akan masuk pintu kubur, kenapa mereka masih tertawa terbahak-bahak?

Aku hairan terhadap orang yang yakin terhadap hari akhirat, kenapa mereka masih bersenang-senang dan lalai tidak beramal?

Aku hairan terhadap orang yang yakin akan lenyapnya dunia ini, kenapa dia masih

menambatkan hati kepadanya?

Aku hairan terhadap orang alim yang pintar bicara tetapi bodoh dalam faham pengertian.

Aku hairan terhadap orang yang sibuk menyelidiki aib orang lain, tetapi lupa cacat / cela dirinya sendiri.

Aku hairan terhadap orang yang tahu bahawa Allah memperhatikan tingkah lakunya,

mengapa ia masih derhaka kepada Allah?

Aku hairan terhadap orang yang mengerti bahawa ia akan mati bersendirian dan masuk kubur bersendirian, kenapa ia masih asyik bersenda gurau dengan orang ramai?

Tidak ada Tuhan yang berhak disembah melainkan Allah, Muhammad itu benar-benar hambaKu dan rasulKu. "

Diakui atau tidak, ramai orang yang tidak sempat mengadakan muhasabah. Dengan

kesibukan yang padat, rasanya sukar untuk mencari waktu yang sesuai untuk berfikir mendalam. Hari-harinya hanya diisi dengan kerja dan kerja. Semua waktu habis sekadar untuk mencari nafkah. Kesibukan seperti ini sudah menjadi ciri atau malah menjadi sebahagian dari kehidupan modern.

Malam hari yang semestinya waktu paling sesuai untuk melakukan muhasabah ternyata juga tersita untuk sekadar urusan dunia. Malam, utamanya dikota-kota besar tidak lagi ada bezanya dengan siang, Tetap ramai, tetap sibuk. Lampu-lampu kota kini telah menjadi ?pengganti? matahari. Malam pun tetap terang benderang. Itulah sebabnya kemudian bermunculan manusia ?kelawar? yang jadual hidupnya justeru terbalik. Pada siang hari mereka tidur dan tatkala malam hari mulai menampakkan tandatanda kehidupannya bekerja. Tentu sahaja perkara ini menyalahi sunnah, menyelisih fitrah.

Firman Allah;

" Dan Dialah Tuhan yang menjadikan malam untuk kamu sebagai pakaian dan menjadikan tidur untuk berhenti rehat, serta menjadikan siang untuk keluar mencari rezeki. "

Q.S AlFurqaan : 47

Kerana manusia sudah merasakan tidak lagi cukup waktunya untuk mencari kehidupan di siang hari sahaja, maka malam harinya mereka gunakan juga untuk bekerja. Akibatnya waktu untuk istirehat berkurangan. Apalagi waktu untuk tafakkur, mengadakan muhasabah ( menghitung diri ), muraqabah ( mendekatkan diri pada Allah ), hampir tiada lagi sama sekali. Jangankan sholat malam, sedangkan sholat Isya' sahaja dijalankan sambil menahan ngantuk, fikirannya masih tertuju pada lain yang sifatnya keduniaan. Apalagi ketika melakukan sholat, TV tidak dimatikan, sebab anak isteri sedang menonton, Bagaimana

boleh khusyu? sedangkan untuk mengingati bacaannya sudah tentu dalam kesukaran.

Terlebih lagi kini semakin banyak pula program yang menarik, yang melalaikan manusia dari memikirkan erti kehidupannya sendiri. Semestinya sebelum masuk tidur, diluangkan waktu sejenak untuk berzikir. Kalau boleh, sholat dua rakaat. Kalau masih dapat dilakukan dengan membaca Al-Quran paling sedikit tiga surah terakhir atau tiga Qul, iaitu Qul Huwallahu ahad, Qul a'udzubirabbil falaq, dan Qul a'udzu birabbinnas, lalu ditutup dengan doa tidur. Tetapi alangkah ramai orang yang masuk tidur tanpa sengaja. Sambil berterusan menonton TV; lupa berzikir, lupa sholat, lupa berdoa ataupun mengadakan muhasabah. Malah jadual waktu tidurnya sahaja membuatnya tidak sempat untuk bangun tengah malam.

Kurangnya mengadakan perenungan dapat memberikan kesan yang buruk. Manusia tidak lagi mengerti untuk apa mereka bekerja. Mereka bekerja sekadar untuk mencari harta.

Setelah mendapatkan harta, digunakan semahu-mahunya. Tiada ada waktu lagi untuk berfikir, darimana datangnya harta itu.

Tidak ada kesempatan untuk merenung, apakah yang lain juga mendapatkannya? Tidak juga berkesempatan untuk menilai, halal atau haram pendapatannya; sebaliknya terus digunakan untuk apa sahaja tanpa berfikir panjang. Dalam benaknya hanya satu yang difikirkan, yang pasti saya dapat. Kita digalakkan untuk berfikir, darimana didatangnya, dan kemana dibelanjakan. Orang yang sudah pada taraf seperti ini hidupnya hanyalah sekadar untuk memenuhi hidup. Mereka bekerja, berjuang, berkorban, berdamai dan berperang, hanya untuk hidup, bahkan mereka mempertaruhkan hidupnya sekadar untuk hidup.

Mereka ini disindir Allah dalam firmanNya;

" Dan sesungguhnya Kami jadikan untuk Neraka Jahanam banyak dari jin dan manusia yang mempunyai hati ( tetapi ) tidak mahu memahami dengannya ( ayat-ayat Allah ), dan yang mempunyai mata ( tetapi ) tidak mahu melihat dengannya ( bukti keesaan Allah ) dan yang mempunyai telinga ( tetapi ) tidak mahu mendengar dengannya ( ajaran dan nasihat );

mereka itu seperti binatang ternak, bahkan mereka lebih sesat lagi; mereka itulah orang-orang yang lalai. "

Q.S Al-A?raaf : 179

Telinga mereka berlubang dan boleh mendengar, tetapi tidak mahu mendengarkan nasihat, cadangan, perintah dan larangan Zat yang menciptakan telinga. Inilah yang disebut telinga pasif oleh Allah. Bukan bererti telinga ini tidak aktif terhadap yang lain. Apabila musik dimainkan, nyanyian diperdengarkan, fitnah disebarkan, telinganya menjadi normal kembali.

Mata mereka juga celek, tetapi untuk membaca kalimah Allah mata itu menjadi rabun, malahan buta sama sekali. Berbeza tatkala melihat lenggang-lenggok artis, samada di pentas terbuka mahupun dikaca TV, matanya itu tiba-tiba menjadi jernih, sejernih kaca TV.

Mereka juga mempunya hati, tetapi sekadar gumpalan daging yang terbalut rongga dada.

Hati yang berupa qalbu tidak lagi dipunyai mereka, paling tidak sudah lama tidak terpakai. Usang, sukar dicari. Jika harus diaktifkan, masih perlu dibersihkan, diservice, bahkan mungkin dioverhaul dulu.

Firman Allah;

" Dan janganlah engkau mengikut apa yang engkau tidak mempunyai pengetahuan

mengenainya; sesungguhnya pendengaran dan penglihatan serta hati, semua anggota-anggota itu tetap akan ditanya tentang apa yang dilakukannya. "

Q.S Al?Israa? : 36

Sebelum hari kita dipertanggungjawabkan, sebaiknya kita memanfaatkanya untuk

merenung, adakah ketigatiganya sudah berfungsi sebagaimana yang diharapkan oleh Yang Menciptakan? Atau kita masih beralasan, belum ada waktu untuk bermuhasabah.

Wallahu'alam Bisshawab.

Sujud aku di kakiMu
Bersimpuh dalam lautan doa
Laa ilaaha illallaah
Memuja namaMu
Pada zikir-zikir tanpa batas

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Jerebu yang dahsyat

Sejak 4 hari Jerebu semakin dahsyat tidak mengurang. Hari ini semakin teruk dan kabur pandangan, visibility hanya dalam 300 meter. Malam tadi mendapat telefon dari sekolah Hira agar mengambil anak (Syamil) di asrama nya di Jeram. Papa dan mama ada usrah gabungan di PKJ yang hanya tamat pukul 11.30 malam, so tidak dapat nak ambil SYamil Namun Alhamdulillah seorang bapa murid menumpangkanya dari Kelang ke Keramat. Syamil sampai pukul 1.00 pagi.

Hari ini keadaan semakin teruk dan tidak sihat namun terpaksa ke pejabat kementerian kesaihatan di Jalan Cenderasari untuk menghantar surat permohonan perpindahan kak yong dari Hospital Seremban ke UPM. Encik Thiru kata permohonan mengambil masa 3 bulan.
No wonder terasa sesak dan senak rupa-rupanya API index di sini agak alarming!

KAJANG - API - 380

Info from Methological Department Malaysia -
Take good care dear friends
Haze situation is deteriorating as seen today.
For update, we have contacted our experts and doctors seeking their advise and appended below is what they have commented. Stay tune for more updates.


Haze is a phenomenon or occurrence caused by the accumulation of fine particles in the air which are barely visible to naked eye. These particles may occur naturally or may be an outcome of human activities like open burning or smoky discharges from factories and exhaust of motor vehicles.When these particles accumulate in large quantities and suspend in the air, they can lock out sunlight and visibility will be greatly reduced.


The API is obtained from the measurement of fine particles (below 10 microns) and several gases which are hazardous to health such as carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and ozone. The API is used as a guide for measuring air quality and its effect on health as follows :-
0 - 50 - Good
51 - 100 - Moderate
101 - 200 - Unhealthy
201 - 300 - Very unhealthy
301 - 500 - Dangerous


Continuous hazy conditions will cause ill effects to all people especially those in the high risk groups such as :-
1. Children
2. The elderly
3. Those with illnesses like, Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Chronic lung diseases, Heart diseases and Allergies
4. Cigarette smokers
5. Those who work outdoors most of the time


The effects of continuous exposure to the haze include:-
  • Itchy sensation in the throat, and coughing, increased phlegm
  • Difficulty in breathing (wheeze) or nose block
  • Pain, irritation, red and watery eyes
  • Itchy skin rashes
  • If above symptoms persist, get advice and treatment at the nearest clinic.


  • Close all windows and doors to your bedroom.
  • Boil a kettle (electric) of water in the room and allow the steam to fill the room. Allow 10 - 15 minutes for the fine water vapor (steam) to collect the pollutants / particles in the air and settle down. After this the room should contain healthier air.
  • Usage of face and surgical masks are of no use if they are not regularly changed as they can act as a base for bacteria to grow and result in other infections. Only very close fitting masks that do not allow air to enter through the sides of the mask are effective.
  • Limit all outdoor activity as far as possible e.g avoid outdoor sport or physical activities. Always wash / bathe as soon as you return from outdoors. This will minimize eye / skin irritation. For minor eye irritation try using over the counter eye drops e.g Eye-mo
  • Use your car air-conditioner when traveling in the car. Drink a lot of water. Smokers are advised to quit smoking.
  • Those who suffer from diseases such as flu, bronchitis, asthma, conjunctivitis, heart diseases or chronic lung diseases should seek immediate treatment at the clinic or hospital if their condition worsens.

Doa tidak termakbul disimpan untuk akhirat

Doa tidak termakbul disimpan untuk akhirat

" Apakah sebabnya doaku tidak dimakbulkan, dari masa ke semasa, setiap waktu aku berdoa namun tidak terdapat apa yang aku mahukan..." Mimah mengadu di satu hari dnegan linagan air mata"...

BERDOA adalah suatu ibadat. Insan dianggap melakukan kebaktian dan ibadat ketika berdoa kepada Tuhannya. Sama ada sesuatu doa dimakbul atau tidak, pahalanya sentiasa ada di sisi Allah.

Justeru, Rasulullah bersabda yang bermaksud: "Doa adalah ibadat." Setiap doa pula dimakbulkan dari tiga segi, iaitu:

Doa yang dimakbulkan segera di dunia. Inilah yang biasanya menjadi harapan setiap orang yang berdoa. Ramai di kalangan insan yang memperoleh kurniaan hasil esungguhan mereka berdoa.

Kadangkala dengan begitu pantas dan kadangkala lewat disebabkan hikmah yang hanya Allah Maha Mengetahui.

Tidak mustahil Allah menerima doa seseorang yang sama sekali dianggap mustahil oleh manusia. Doa yang tidak dimakbulkan di dunia, tetapi disimpan untuk balasan kebaikan di akhirat di atas hikmah yang hanya dikehendaki Allah.

Jika ia berlaku, hendaklah difahami bahawa ia adalah pilihan terbaik daripada Allah untuk hamba-Nya. Akhirat adalah kehidupan yang hakiki, kebaikan di sana tidak ada tukar ganti dengan dunia yang sementara.

Allah tidak memakbulkan sesuatu doa secara mutlak di dunia kerana Allah Maha mengetahui segala rahsia kehidupan alam, baik atau buruk di sebalik sesuatu perkara yang dimohon. Akal manusia kadangkala tidak mampu menjangkau hakikat sesuatu.

Doa diganti dengan keselamatan diri daripada keburukan yang akan menimpa. Insan terselamat daripada betapa banyak keburukan bukan kerana kehebatannya atau kebijaksanaannya tetapi kerana rahmat Allah yang barangkali berpunca daripada pelbagai doa kepada Allah.

Sesungguhnya, setiap Muslim wajar berdoa kepada-Nya dan jangan berputus asas untuk mendapatkan rahmatnya, selagi ia untuk kebaikan diri kita dan sesama insan serta meminta perlindungan daripada-Nya.

Sucikanlah 4 hal dengan 4 perkara :

"Wajahmu dengan linangan air mata keinsafan, Lidahmu basah dengan berzikir kepada Penciptamu, Hatimu takut dan gementar kepada kehebatan Rabbmu,..dan dosa-dosa yang silam di sulami dengan taubat kepada Dzat yang Memiliki mu."


“10 tips mengekalkan kemesraan”

“10 tips mengekalkan kemesraan”
oleh Ustaz Sabri
  1. Amalkan solat berjemaah
  2. Amalkan makan bersama-sama
  3. Sentiasa memberi dan menjawab salaam
  4. Berjabat tangan sambil melihat ke mata
  5. Meninggalkan kenangan manis kepada isteri (seperti ciuman di pipi atau dahi) ketika berjalan jauh (i.e pergi kerja, bermusafir dll)
  6. Memanggil isteri dengan panggilan mesra, seperti Rasulullah memanggil Humaira’ kepada Aisyah
  7. Berjalan bersama dalam jarak yang jauh
  8. Membina dan memelihara komunikasi
  9. Sering meminta maaf dan berterima kasih
  10. Saling memberi hadiah. Sebaiknya hadiah diberi pada waktu yang tak disangkakan

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

20 Things Sisters can do for Islam

20 Things Sisters can do for Islam

Sisters, as much as brothers, are responsible for contributing to Islamic work. There are a number of things that can be done on a personal, family and community level.

1. Remember you are a khalifa on earth
Both men and women are appointed by Allah as His khalifa (trustees) on earth (Qur'an 33:72-73). We have been given this amana (trust) from Allah, and it is our responsibility to care for it. We must not forget that we will all be asked on the Day of Judgement what we did with our time. What did we do for the sake of Allah while we were alive? How did we spend our time, wealth, health, knowledge and other resources Allah has entrusted to us as a gift. How have we tried to make our ummah stronger? Will we make the grade?

2. Make your intention for the sake of Allah
Where does success really come from? It's from Allah. But without the correct intentions and methods, success at home and work won't happen.

"Actions are but by intentions," said Prophet Muhammad said in a Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim. Make your intention to please Allah first and foremost. This is the first and most important thing no matter what type of activism you get involved in.

3. Make Du'a (supplication)
Who can really answer your prayers and help you? Allah, of course. Ask only from Allah. Ask Him for Guidance, understanding, and a straight intention. Ask Him to accept your efforts for His cause.

Then watch as Insya Allah, He helps you throughout your work for His Cause.

4. Seek knowledge, a path to Paradise and power
Once your intention is clear, how do you know what the right method is to contribute to Islam in America? The key is knowledge. Specifically, knowledge of the Qur'an and Sunnah. This is not necessarily the knowledge you may have picked up in the Muslim country or community you grew up in. We're talking about knowledge based on original sources — the Qur'an and Sunnah.

"For him who follows a path for seeking knowledge, Allah will ease for him the path to Paradise" said the Prophet in a Hadith in Muslim.

For starters, one simple thing you can do is to read a translation of the Qur'an in a language you feel most comfortable with. This is not to say that translations will give you a complete understanding of the Qur'an. What it will provide though, is a basic overview.

Sincerely seek the truth. Remember that your goal as an ordinary Muslim at this point, is not to "reinterpret" the Qur'an. It is simply to expose yourself to Allah's Message in a way that you can understand.

5. Learn about your rights and duties and change who you are accordingly
Is knowledge meant to just fill our heads? Of course not. If we want to work for Islam in the West or anywhere else, we've got to start with ourselves first.

This not only means to know but to practice what we know. We must work from the inside out. We must fix our character first, then work with our families, neighborhood and further out within the community.

6. Raise good Muslim sons and daughters
Who raised those brothers who won't let sisters come to the mosque? Mostly women. For all the talk of Muslim women going out to change the world, we tend to forget about the one place where women have the most control: as mothers. Use this power.

It's mothers who can perpetuate notions of what a woman's place is, and they also can perpetuate a lot of the misguided notions about the position of women in Islam. Think through what messages you are giving your children. For example, how many mothers spoil their sons by not insisting they clean up their own room, put away their own dishes after dinner, help clean up the house or fold the laundry? Mothers can and should challenge gender stereotypes in their own homes.
This may be considered a small step for mums, but it leads to big steps for Muslim brothers.

With regards to daughters, mothers must orient them in the right direction on a personal level as Muslims, then at the academic and career levels. Not to forget but mothers are their daughters first role model. Be an example for her of a solid, strong Muslim.

7. Speak out against injustice
Feeling powerless against the Muslim men who won't let you come to the mosque? At least speak out against it. Did a speaker say something insensitive about sisters? Speak out against it. Use your knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah to challenge gender-unfriendly spaces and positions in the Muslim community.

Too often, the status quo is maintained because Muslim women do not speak up.
And don't just speak out against the bad. Ask questions and comment with wisdom as well.

8. Don't underestimate the power of social activities
Do you think organizing social activities such as dinners for sisters is just a waste of time? Not if you know the reality of the Muslim community here in the West.

While many sisters have families they can easily turn to for company and support, there are many who don't. Our communities have plenty of sisters who are new to Islam, or sisters who are students from abroad, or who recently immigrated here with their families but who are hungry for companionship.
What better companionship than that of Muslim sisters for the sake of Allah?

Organizing weekly dinners, teas, Halaqas are all small practical steps that Muslim sisters can take to help each other not only cope with loneliness, but more importantly become closer to Allah, if He wills. This creates a much-needed social network.

9. Go into professions that are needed in the community
Often, we encourage our children to go into professions that are seen as prestigious or that will ensure them financial security. These may not, however, be professions that are most needed by the Muslim community. Identify what the needs are and encourage young women to pursue careers in these fields.

For example, there is dire need for Muslim community advocates, social workers, therapists, family counselors, and other support resources. The shortage of such professional skills within the community forces Muslims to go to non-Muslims who are often insensitive to our religious values.

Another field where Muslim women are needed is law. Marriage, divorce, custody of children, and inheritance are all issues which directly affect Muslim women, and for which they will rarely find a Muslim advocate. There is a need for sisters who know Islamic law and the local law to help Muslim women deal with issues like these with sincere, sound advice, as well as sympathetic support.

Is there a Muslim woman doctor in the house? For the most part, the answer is no. It is no cliche to say that there is a crying need for women in the medical field. Sisters are especially needed in sensitive fields like obstetrics and gynecology, fertility specialists, etc.

These are among many areas where women, especially Muslim ones, feel most comfortable discussing exclusively with other women who will understand where they are coming from.

10. Teach in Islamic tuition or fardu ain class
Does getting an Islamic education sound too far-fetched? If so, consider helping Islam by teaching at the local Islamic tuition class or fardu ain class. This is where a number of Muslim kids (most of whom attend public school) find their only Islamic environment throughout the whole week.

The presence Muslim sisters as mentioned above, is not just in imparting knowledge but it's also in being a positive role model. As well, teaching in Islamic weekend schools provides you with the opportunity to clarify the position of women in Islam, to clear it of the cultural baggage so many Muslim parents tend to pass down to their kids.

11. Enjoin the good and forbid the evil
The Prophet said: If one of you sees something evil he should change it with his hand. If he cannot, he should speak out against it, and if he cannot do even that he should at least detest it in his heart, this being the weakest form of faith.

Enjoining the good and forbidding the evil is not the domain of Muslim brothers alone. Sisters are also required to do this, whether it is on an individual or community level. Look for opportunities and build your strength to do this.

Not only will you be fulfilling a religious duty, but you will become stronger and Allah willing, gain the strength to speak out against wrong regardless who is doing the wrong.

12. Promote and appreciate sisters doing good work
How many of us spend time to appreciate the work Muslims sisters do to promote the cause of Islam?

Whether a sister has given an inspiring speech, written a useful article, established a fantastic program for the mosque, a number of sisters tend to beat each other down instead of trying to build each other up.

Promoting and appreciating sisters who are doing good work will not only serve as encouragement for them, it will also pinpoint acceptable role models for young Muslim women. This is important when many or our young girls look up to women who are models, actresses and singers, as opposed to those making a positive contribution to society.

13. Support other sisters in need or difficulty
Do you know a sister who takes care of her own kids, plus an ailing mother-in-law? Or a sister who needs a night out with her husband after a frustrating week juggling work and home responsibilities? Give her a break. Offer to babysit for a night, or take her kids to the park so she can have some free time to herself. These small gestures give a big boost to sisterhood and Muslim community support, not to mention support for a Muslim family.

14. Get sympathetic speakers and scholars invited to the community
Who are the top five speakers in your community? What is their understanding of Islam and especially the role of women? Do they speak out against injustice? Or do they promote the status quo?

Sisters can encourage community leaders to invite speakers to shed light on Muslim women's issues, and who can address problems from an Islamic perspective in a wise and sensitive way.

15. Teach sisters how to deal with discrimination
How many sisters know how to respond effectively to discrimination and harassment? It seems that most will tend to ignore it. Others may respond with a rude remark of their own. But neither of these approaches is usually appropriate.

Muslim women can help here by developing an effective strategy in consultation with counsellors, psychiatry, psychologist and community leaders. Informing and enabling Muslim women on how to seek legal recourse if they so choose is another needed service.

16. Become journalists and media professionals
Do you think the ability to write well and communicate effectively has no effect on others?
You're wrong. A knowledgeable, practicing Muslim woman who can write and speak well is a powerful weapon against those who say Islam oppresses women, or that women can't come to the mosque for instance.

The media is an unavoidable tool in the spread of Islam amongst Muslims and non-Muslims and sisters should not avoid this field of study.

17. Use what you have
If you're already a working Muslim woman, how can you contribute without necessarily changing careers? Use your professional skills for the community.

If you can write well, establish a well-written, organized and attractive community newsletter. If you're in business, establish a community fundraising project for the local mosque's expansion. Use what you've got. It'll take some thinking and planning, but you're almost bound to find a way you can contribute, if Allah wills.

18. Know and teach women's history
Do you think women's history means learning exclusively about Western feminists? Think again. Muslim women have their own heroes. Aisha, Khadijah, Maryam, Asiah (may Allah be pleased with all of them) are our role models. Remember that Muslim women's history does not start and end with these four righteous women. Muslim history is full of women who have made positive contributions. We also need to recognize and know the efforts of the pioneering Muslim women who worked in partnership with men to establish the various Muslim institutions now flourishing in our country.

Know the history of the first generation of Muslim women as well as those who established the Muslim community in the West and the rest of the world.

Read to your daughters the stories of the great female companions of the Prophet in books like Abdul Wahid Hamid's Companions of the Prophet.

19. Understand the issues of the day
Do you know what your kids are learning in school? Is there a sex education class promoting unIslamic ideas? What are you going to do about it? Do you participate in your child's Jogathon fundraising activities at school?

Muslims sisters have to know the issues of the day in order to make an impact. Whether it's sex education, reckless driving or rape cases and other issues should be of concern to us as well, and not just non-Muslims. Being vocal, and most importantly, knowing and advocating the Islamic position on issues of the day affords you the opportunity to stand up for justice and to make Da'wah. Don't pass it up.

20. Volunteer!
There are many organisations and businesses - both Muslim and non-Muslim, which are in need of people who can spare a few hours a day, week or month.
Charities, masjids, and play groups are some to name a few. This is an excellent opportunity for Muslimahs to benefit and aid the community as well as gain the blessings from the Lord of all the Worlds.

Monday, June 20, 2005

calon isteri untuk calon usahawan

Calon Isteri untuk Calon Usahawan
Calon usahawan perlukan calon isteri yang sesuai kerana isteri mempunyai pengaruh besar pada kejayaannya. Tuan Zainuddin adalah peguam terkenal di Kuala Lumpur. Anak-anak guamnya terdiri daripada semua bangsa dan kebanyakan mereka adalah orang bisnes. Salah seorang anak guamnya adalah Encik Tan, usahawan Cina yang berjaya.Tuan Zainuddin menceritakan apa yang pernah didengar daripada usahawan Cina itu berkenaan persediaan menjadi usahawan. Menurut Encik Tan, di kalangan orang Cina, mereka mempunyai semacam petua memilih perempuan yang bagaimana yang lebih sesuai bagi lelaki yang hendak menjadi usahawan.Menurut Encik Tan, bagi calon usahawan Cina, berkahwin dengan gadis yang lulus sekolah aliran Cina adalah pilihan lebih baik, berbanding gadis yang lulus aliran Inggeris. Rasional di sebalik pilihan gadis aliran Cina ataupun Inggeris adalah mereka mempunyai pengharapan berbeza ke atas tingkah laku suami-suami mereka. Mengikut Encik Tan, gadis-gadis Cina yang berpendidikan Inggeris mempunyai nilai-nilai kekeluargaan seperti wanita-wanita kulit putih, iaitu mereka mahu suami-suami mereka bekerja seperti orang yang bertugas di korporat antarabangsa, iaitu kerja ikut waktu, pulang kerja cepat, malam mesti berada di rumah dan hujung minggu bersiar-siar dengan isteri dan anak-anak.Berbeza dengan gadis-gadis yang mendapat pendidikan aliran Cina, mereka ini kurang mengharapkan suami-suami mereka pulang cepat, apa yang penting suami-suami mereka pulang membawa wang yang banyak untuk keluarga. Petua yang serupa juga digalakkan bagi mereka yang terlibat dengan profesion kejurujualan, khususnya kejurujualan dalam sektor produk-produk harga tinggi dan mahal seperti kereta, rumah, hartanah dan lain-lain yang seumpama itu. Bakal pembeli produk-produk seperti itu pergi ke showroom ataupun membuat lawatan ke lokasi selepas waktu pejabat, pada hari-hari cuti dan hujung minggu. Bagaimana pula jikalau saudara seorang pemuda Melayu? Saudara digalakkan supaya memilih gadis yang datang daripada keluarga usahawan. Nabi Muhammad menggalakkan umatnya berkahwin dengan orang yang sekufu, ertinya orang yang banyak persamaan.

when the boss yell at u!

If your boss yells at you, maybe you shouldn't take itpersonally. Maybe he and his wife had a big fight the nightbefore and she threw him out of the house. Maybe you remind him of someone that he has had a difficult time with in thepast, and some part of his consciousness is expecting thesame situation. Maybe you and he have a karmic relationshipwhere the job of each of you is to learn communication andlove in relation to the other. There are so many possibilities. There is very little use in trying to figure out exactly which possibility applies.

You might assume that there is a reason for his behavior, that it is important to both overcome the block (whatever it is), and not create a bigger block by putting out resentment, resistance, and othernegative emotions. With honest communication you can recognize where he is coming from, gain an understanding of his motivations, and come into a position of empathy and love.

there is more in this world

Occasionally a person can go all the way through a lifetimeand gradually become more hardened and harsh as a way ofdealing with the world. Actually, that would be a very rare case because, usually, somewhere along the way, there's avisitation, a moment when no matter how dark or how cloudyor how stormy it is, the sunlight gets through and touchesus, reminding us that there is more to this world than thedarkness, harshness, or storm that we find.

I see the beauty in those around me

It does make a difference what you call things.--Kate Douglas WigginMost of us think of dandelions as weeds. We buy special tools and poisonswhen they crop up and complain about them as surely as we welcome the springthat brings them. Yet is there anything more lovely than a sea of yellow dandelions by theside of the road in June? Or as remarkable in transformation as thefilaments of the mature dandelion blowing on the wind?Sometimes we let someone else define for us what are weeds and what areflowers. We don't have to. Much of the beauty of the world is that weourselves decide what is beautiful according to our own feelings. How luckywe are that, when we choose to, we can open our eyes and see!Can I see the beauty in those around me right now?

Pengaruh minda

1) Minda mempunyai pengaruh yg besar kpd diri individu.

Mengikut sebuah kisah, suatu masa dahulu, seorang hartawanmengadakan majlis kenduri di rumahnya.Semasa tetamusedang asyik menjamu selera, tiba-tiba tukang masak membisikkansesuatu kpd tuan rumah. Secara spontan, tuan rumah menghimpunkanorang yg hadir dan menjelaskan bahawa tukang masak terbubuh racun tikus dalam makanan yg dihidangkan dan meminta maaf kerana perbuatanyg tidak disengajakan itu.Tiba-tiba, para hadirin menyerbu ke tandas kerana secara spontanberasa loya, sakit perut dan doktor dipanggil. Akhirnya, diketahuibahawa tuan rumah salah faham. Rupa-rupanya tiada sebarang racun yg dimasukkan ke dalam makanan. Lain yg dicerita oleh tukang masak,lain pula yg difahami oleh tuan rumah. Hadirin menarik nafas legadan ramai yg sebentar tadi berasa loya dan sakit perut mulamerasa sihat dan segar kesan dari maklumat yg baru mereka terima.(7 formula Individu Cemerlang oleh Dr Danial).2) Dalam al-quran terdapat banyak ayat yg menceritakan keadaansebenar umat Islam. Mereka sebenarnya adalah umat terbaik jika mengikutpertunjuk Tuhan. Mereka juga digesa jangan mengalah dengan keadaan persekitaran apabila mereka ditimpa kesusahan dan kesempitan. Lihatlah,renunglah dan tadaburlah ayat berikut, semoga kita kenal siapa kitadan siapa dibelakang kita. Maksud firman Allah:"Dan janganlah kamu lemah dan jangan pula berduka cita, sedangkankamu orang-orang yang lebih tinggi jika kamu orang-orang beriman."(Ali-Imran:139)3) Semoga ayat ini lebih mempengaruhi minda kita daripada maklumatsalah yg telah mempengaruhi minda hadirin yg hadir dalam majlis makanseperti kisah di atas.


Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Positive and negative sides

In our process of dealing with the world, we play two sides.
One side we could refer to as the negative, the painful, or
the disturbing. The other side would be the loving, the
light, and the beautiful. As we learn to play this game
between two sides, we realize that one is more of our
nature, or sometimes it's more of the way we would like to
be. In other words, we can look upon ourselves as actually
being unloving, or dark, or deep down inside, I'm no good.
We can still realize, however, that underneath our negative
picture of ourselves is the desire to be good. Choosing the
good can be done regardless of what the world is dealing

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Tell them U love them!

Communicate to children that you love and adore them fully. We do that with more than words, which is the least way but still important. We need to find ways and words to let ourchildren know that they are unconditionally loved. Care for them even when you forget how.

So remind them: "When I forgot in this way or in that way, my unconditional love for you is really what it is about."

Make sure that this is the reference point they have when you give up this day, that you can rest well, knowing the children know you love them. If you ever attempt to let go of this day and consider, "I don't know if they really know I love them," consider how you can get your love to them in some way. If nothing else, ask Allah to link their hearts. to you

Saturday, March 12, 2005

No male or female role at home?

In a marriage, there is nothing to say that one role isnecessarily "male" and one role is necessarily "female."There are common goals, and there are roles that supportthose goals. Either partner may fulfill any role. The roles may remain constant throughout a lifetime, or theymay shift many times; it doesn't matter. As long as each onegives 100 percent, the marriage is complete and is working.When you are married and are committed to the love you havefor your spouse, there is nothing you will not do, no roleyou will not take. With that attitude, your lover is lesslikely to make unloving demands upon you. So it's a two-waystreet.

Friday, March 11, 2005

How to Identify a Stroke

How to Identify a Stroke
Note from a friend: I wish I knew this several years ago when a friend was having a stroke at a clubhouse function and I didn't recognize it; just that something was wrong and did get a resident doctor in the hall and made other people aware, but unfortunately her husband listened to her and didn't get her to the hospital for a couple hours.
Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.
Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:
*Ask the individual to smile.
*Ask him or her to raise both arms.
*Ask the person to speak a simple sentence.
If he or she has trouble with any of these tasks, call 9-1-1 immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher. After discovering that a Group Of non-Medical Volunteers could identify facial weakness, arm weakness and speech problems, researchers urged the general public to learn the three questions. They presented their conclusions at the American Stroke Association's annual meeting last February. Widespread use of this test treatment of the stroke and prevent brain damage.
A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people you can bet that at least one life will be saved. Tell as many people as possible about this. It could save their lives! BE A FRIEND AND SEND THIS ARTICLE TO AS MANY FRIENDS AS POSSIBLE.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Hari ini Hari Asyura -10 Muharram

Hand phone berbunyi begini "Kak Uda, puasa kah hari ini?"
Jawapan: "Ohhh...adak! Kenapa hari ni kan hari sabtu?"
"Hari ni kan hari Asyura!....tak ingat ke?"
Aduhai, kenapa tak peringatkan semalam?
tak per lah..buat macamana dah lupa....
Kak ngah kata dia nak cukur kan rambut baby nya kemudian nak timbnag rambutnya untuk dinilai beratnya dengan bera timbangan emas, harga timbangan itu dibelanjakan untuk diebrikan kepada fakir miskin?...
Hmm..kalau sempat boleh lah buat....
Jadi apakah signifikant hari Asyura?

10 Muharram terkenal dengan nama Hari Asyura’. Menurut riwayat, hari Asyura’ ini adalah hari kejayaan dan kemengangan para rasul dan beberapa nabi yang terdahulu terhadap musuh-musuh mereka. Kita seharusnya mengambil tauladan pada hari itu kerana Allah telah menjadikannya sebagai sejarah kebangkitan dan kejatuhan sesuatu umat dari abad ke abad untuk menjadi iktibar dan pelajaran bagi umat-umat yang akan datang. Juga sebagai satu gambaran antara orang-orang yang beriman dengan orang-orang yang engkar. Hal itu ditegaskan secara umum dalam Al-Quran, sepertimana firmanNya dalam surah Ali Imran, ayat 140:
Artinya: Hari-hari kemenangan ini, Kami (Allah), pergilirkan antaramanusia, supaya jelas oleh Tuhan orang-orang yang beriman itu, dan dijadikan sebahagian daripadanya menjadi kesaksian-kesaksian (syuhada’). Dan Tuhan tidak menyukai orang-orang yang zalim.

Banyak terjadi peristiwa-peristiwa penting di Hari Asyura yang mempunyai nilai-nilai perjuangan. Sebahagian daripadanya dikisahkan dalam Al-Quran adalah kisah Nabi Musa a.s, kemenangan Nabi Nuh a.s dan sebagainya.

Rasulullah s.a.w menganjurkan kepada umatnya supaya mengambil nilai-nilai rohaniah dari peristiwa-peristiwa tersebut. Tetapi bukan dengan merayakannya dengan cara-cara yang tidak mengikut syarak. Jadikannya sebagai hari untuk meningkatkan ibadah dan amal. Di antaranya dengan berpuasa pada Hari Asyura’ itu. Keistimewaan berpuasa pada bulan Muharram itu dijelaskan dalam satu hadith Rasulullah s.a.w:

Puasa yang paling mulia sesudah bulan puasa Ramadhan ialah bulan Muharram. (Hadith riwayat Muslim).

Puasa bulan Muharram itu ialah puasa pada Hari Asyura’ seperti yang ditegaskan lebih terang dalam satu hadith yang lain:

Puasa hari Asyura’ menghapuskan dosa setahun yang telah lalu-(Hadith riwayat Muslim).

Oleh karena hari Asyura’ ini hari yang mulia, maka Islam menganjurkan agar kita membuat kebajikan kepada fakir miskin, kaum keluarga, khasnya anak-anak sendiri yang membuatkan mereka merasa bahagia dan gembira. Ajaran ini dijelaskan dalam satu hadith yang menyatakan:

Barang siapa yang melapangkan jiwa dengan memberi hadiah-hadiah kepada anak cucu dan keluarganya pada hari Asyura’, nescayaAllah akan memberikan kepadanya kemudahan rezki sepanjang tahun itu-(Hadith riwayat Al-Baihaqi).

Semoga Allah memberikan kita taufik untuk melakukan amal soleh yang diredhainya. Amin…..

Friday, February 18, 2005

Complete guide on tsunami

Found the complete guide and report on tsunami ...

..try this link http://

Malam tadi majlis solat hajat yang semarak dan ramai

Alhamdulillah ramai yang datang ke halaqah malam tadi. Majlis dimulai pukul 9.55pm dengan solat Isya kemudian tazkirah mengenai hijrah dan perubahan oleh Pak Uda. Diikuti dengan dengan solat hajat, baca yasin (untuk memudahkan sesgala urusan), baca 41 kali Surah al Waqi'ah(murah rezki).... Oleh kerana ada lebih kurang 22 orang hadir, maka seorang hanya perlu baca 2 x sahaja. Antara yg hadir, Pak long D & Mak Long Ani dgn Adam, Sara dan Idris, Mak long Ina dengan Pie, Udin & Aspa & anak2Nasyrah dan Naurah, Rahim & Diana&Najwa, Adak & Hidayah, Oteh & ALong Nadia dan Ila, Zalie, Bangah, Abg Uda, Aala....Sayang razi dan isterinya tak datang sebab isterinya kurang sihat, tak apalah pengantin baru!
semoga hari ini dijalani dengan berkah dari Allah....

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Bersangka baik membawa bahagia

Manusia hari ini suka bersangka-sangka

Ada sangkaan baik...Ada sangkaan buruk
Orang beribadah disangka riak
Orang yang relax disangka malas
Orang yang pakai baju baru disangka menunjuk
Orang yang pakai baju buruk disangka zuhud (hina)
Orang makan banyak disangka pelahap
Orang makan sikit disangka diet
Orang baik disangka buruk
Orang buruk disangka baik
Orang senyum disangka mengejek
Orang masam disangka merajuk
Orang bermuzakarah disangka mengumpat
Orang diam disangka menyendiri
Orang menawan disangka pakai susuk
Orang nampak ceria disangka membela
mana tahu yang diam itu kerana
berzikir kepada Allah
mana tahu yang senyum itu
mana tahu yang masam itu kerana
mengenangkan dosa
mana tahu yang menawan itu kerana
bersih hati dan mindanya
mana tahu yang ceria itu kerana
cergas cerdasnya
Jauhi sikap suka bersangka-sangka
kerana ia bakal memusnahkan ukhwah
seperti musnah nya kayu dimakan api..
Satu benda yang kita lihat,
macam-macam kesimpulan
yang boleh kita buat.
semuanya bergantung bagaimana kita
"Tegakkn Islam dalam diri kamu.. nescaya Islam akan tertegak diatas
bumi kamu"Imam Al-Syahid Hassan Al- Banna.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Ahad yang menceriakan...

Bangun pepagi lagi...Aalaa dah keluar dengan kelisa nya pergi jogging di taman tasik titiwangsa dengan kengkawannya.

Selepas solat dan membaca Al Ma'thurat, terasa perlu buat strectches dan a bit of exercise, jogging around the house.

7.30am, terima SMS daripada ROHA :

"Kami kat Lambaro di posko PKS. Dekat dah dgn Aceh. Setakat ini semua sihat, Alhamdulillah. Tlg sampaikan berita ini kpd keluarga Dr Hafidzi, akh Hamdy, akh Nash, Ukhtie Jannah dan akh Aidil. Teruskan doa utk kami. Jzkk.
Note: 'POSKO=pos komander'

Selepas penat lari keliling rumah, buat gardening sikit, pruning some roses and bunga melati , rearanggging few pots, penuhkan corner sebelah car porch dengan pepokok biar nampak green and fresh, berat juga terasa sakit pinggan nih...ok lah panggil bibi tolong ...sehingga pukul 9.30a,m. Kejutkan papa (katanya nak baca Qur'an dulu...lama nya mama tunggu tak turun turun rupanya dia terlena..biasak lah papa tu...) untuk meracun pokok gergasi belakang rumah dengan racun yang paling power. This is the 2nd time. First time pokok tu gugurkan daunya buat seketika tetapi itu dua minggu dulu, selepas dua minggu hujan panas hujan pans, daun daun berhenti gugur dan pelik daun daun baru mula tumbuh la...ha..may be pokok tu kena diracun sekali lagi...pakai tangga lah papa...

Rushing mandi dan solat zuhr untuk prepare to attend meeting kelab kelas darjah 6 Umar.
Berbagai program untuk anak anak kelas 6 umar, terutama persediaan untuk UPSR. Keceriaan kelas perlu di beri perhatian penting.

Lepas asar, papa , bangah, banguda, Menghantar 'car seat' yg terpakai ke workshop Demanz Garage, tyre cover...etc

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Selamat berbakti di Aceh wahai pahlawan & serikandi

Pagi ini mama terbangun lambat sedikit, 5.39am itupun setelah mendengar deringan telefon Ustz Zul, suami Dr Har, seharusnya bertolak dari rumah Jannah di Ukay Perdanan pukul 5.30am. Tak lama kemudian Wan Uji menelefon dah sampai mana ?..he hehe...baru nak bersiap. Tolong tunggu, jangan tinggal daku. Ok wan uji akan tunggu di depan Shell dekat Tamn Sri Ukay. Setelah siap mandi dan berpakaian, mama kejutkan Aalaa untuk menemani mama bertemu konvoy mereka. Wan Uji dengan suaminya (W.A.N) yang memandu Etsima, Roha, Mala, bertolak ke KLIA untuk menghantar Roha dan Jannah dalam Misi Kemanusian Aceh 2. Roha dan Jannah mewaikili wanita dalam misi ke dua ini. Jannah, Sheareza, Halifah menaiki kereta Halipah. Faridah and Dr Sahrim dan keluarga dengan kereta mereka sendiri. Jannah dah jalan dulu. WAN memandu sangat laju. Singgah sebentar di Shell Bandar Tasik Selatan untuk mengambil barangan kiriman Dr Har untuk anak anak Yatim Aceh. Yang cantiknya buahtangan satu beg kertas itu dibuat sendiri oleh anak anak Dr Har, Shifa' (12thn) dan Syamil (7).

Sampai di KLIA tepat 7.00 pagi. Belum ada yang sampai. Ada lebih kurang 10 kotak dan 5 beg yang memuatkan barangan sumbangan dari wanita JIMyang akan dibawa ke Aceh . Termasuk kelengkapan solat wanita, Tudung tudung dan tuala serta selimut. Barang -barang mainan dan gula gula dan cokelat yang siap dengan ucapan " Jangan berduka' sumbangan Anfaal.

Tak lama sampai beberapa sisters yang lain, Siti Hajar dengan ibunya, Faridah dengan anak gadisnya, Faridah isteri Mohd Yusof, Zuraidah (Dr Hafizi's wife).

Akhirnya semua ahli team mission sampai yang diketuai oleh Dr Hafizi (Naib Pres) bersama 3 lagi yg lain Nash, Aidil, Harun. Turut menghantar untuk mengucapkan selamat jalan ialah AJK JIM international Azhari Kadir(Ketua), Zun Arif, Zairul (TimPres sempat menyerahkan semua topi dan vest yang siap dengan logo misi Tsunami dan JIM). Dr Sahrim, Mohd Yusof, dua orang anak remaja Dr Hafizi. Ada tambahan kotak sumbangan , menjadi 13 kotak 10 beg semuanya.

Akhi Azhari sempat menunjukkan vest, topi dan 'bunting' misi kemanusian Aceh ke 2 . Vest Presiden berlengan panjang, lain lain semuanya sleeveless. Presiden dah jalan dulu, vest nya datang kemudian. Sempat mengadakan sesi bergambar bersama team mission selepas check in.

Selepas mereka hilng dari pandangan beredar pulang ke pejabat. Samapi ke pejabat 9.30am