Friday, May 09, 2008

Finally Aalaa a lawyer....

Aalaa’ being called to the bar today . Alhamdulillah, she is a lawyer now and we can call her advocate & solicitor. It’s the ‘long call’ day. Its very interesting to see the chambering students who successfully end up their ‘chambering student’s life to day at the 3rd floor of RKK2 – Rayuan Kuasa-kuasa Khas of Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur. The judge delivers a long lectures adressed specifically to students and the respective parents attending the ceremony.

Aalaa' completed her chambering after 9 months of internship with 2 law firms, to learn the ins and outs of working as a lawyer. After she has completed her law degree from UIA undergone her chambering from 1st. June 2007 – 31st.December at Mssr Azman, Sazira & Partners and Messr Kahar & Co and from 2nd January 2008-3rd March 2008.

I was so proud watching her standing and bowing before the Judge Yang Ariff Dato Abd Kadir Musa while papa put on her robe. Both of her 2 masters are present, Azman Jaacob and Kaharudin. Thanking you all the same....

Ironically upon reaching home she said... i dont wanna work as a lwayer. Tired of messing around with the courts procedures, affidavit and never ending compiling and submitting 'papers' after papers. I just wanna work some where in the Masya Allah what a 'U- turn of event'!

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