Sunday, August 26, 2007

Congratulation on Aalaa's Graduation day

Aalaa' my petite cute girl graduated today, 26th August 2007 with an LLB Kulliyah of Law from An International Islamic University , a culmination of four years worth of prep and work.
This is the 23rd Convocation of IIUM, exactly the same age with Aalaa'. What a good coincidence.

Congratulation to my lovely Aalaa. While watching her taking the scroll from Tan Sri Sanusi Junid on the stage, I was shedding my tears, of a proud mum, thanking Allah for His bounties.(Aalaa' means The Bounties ~ Surah Ar Rahman). This is not the first time for me to watch our children on the stage. Kak Yong Nurul Yaqeen was the first to graduate from IIUM. She graduated in 2003 with an MBBS Kulliyah of Medicine. I was equally proud of her achievement!

Suddenly my mind was flashing way back many years down the memory lane, I was thinking of emak, how proud emak was , when i graduated more than 30 years ago....emak must have that same feeling, for sure...

Mama, Aalaa' and Papa
"Fabiayyi Aalaa'i Rabbikuma Tukazzibun"
Nikmat Tuhan kamu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan
~Maksud Ayat surah Ar Rahman~
Theres a time a for joy
A time for tears
A time well treasure through the years

We 'll remember always
Graduation day
Though we leave in sorrow
All the joys weve known
We can face tomorrow
Knowing well never walk alone
When the ivy walks

Are far behind
No matter where our paths may wind
We'll remember always
Graduation day
We'll remember always
Graduation (day) day
-Graduation day lyrics by Beach Boys 1965

We ' had a lot of fun after the ceremony taking pictures at the greengrass field next to the carpark and infront of the entrance hall.
the photos are treasured somewhere else

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