Sunday, October 09, 2011

Wifehood and Motherhood are Not the Only Ways to Paradise

sharing from suhaib web...a very good article not be missed

Wifehood and Motherhood are Not the Only Ways to Paradise

“Why are you majoring in that field?” I asked a sister in college. She sighed, “To be honest, I just want to get married. I don’t really care about what I’m studying right now. I’m just waiting to get hitched so I can be a wife and a mother.”

“It’s awesome that she wants to be a wife and a mother, but why would she put her life on hold?” I wondered. Why would a skilled, passionate young woman create barriers to striving for self-improvement and her ability to be socially transformative when she doesn’t yet have the responsibilities of wifehood or motherhood? Being a wife and a mom are great blessings, but before it actually happens, why exchange tangible opportunities, just waiting for marriage to simply come along—if it came along? I didn’t have to look far to find out.

“I’m already twenty-six,” another sister lamented. “I’m expired. My parents are going crazy. They think I’m never going to get married and they pressure me about it daily. My mom’s friends keep calling her and telling her I’m not getting any younger. She keeps crying over it and says she’ll never be a grandma. It’s not like I don’t want to get married; I’ve been ready since college! I just can’t find the right guy,” she cried.

Why, as a general community, are we not putting the same pressure on women to encourage them to continue to seek Islamic knowledge? Higher education? To make objectives in their lives which will carry over and aid them in their future familial lives, if such is what is meant for them? Perhaps it’s because we’re obsessed with the idea that women need to get married and become mothers and that if they don’t, they have not reached true success.

We all know the honorable and weighty status of wifehood and motherhood in Islam. We all know that marriage completes half your deen1 and that the Prophet ﷺ (peace be upon him) has told us about the mother, “[…] Paradise is at her feet.”2

But getting married and becoming a mother is not the only way to get into Paradise. And not every grown woman is a wife and/or mother, nor will ever be. Some women will eventually become wives and/or mothers, if Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala (exalted is He) blesses them with such, but for others, Allah (swt) has blessed them with other opportunities.

Allah (swt) did not create women for the sake of wifehood or motherhood. This is not our first goal, nor our end goal. Our creation was to fulfill our first and most important role—to be His SLAVE. As He tells us in Surah Dhaariyat (Chapter of the Winnowing Winds), “And I did not create the jinn and humankind except to worship Me.”3

Worship comes in such a variety of forms. Being a housewife (a.k.a. domestic engineer!) can be a form of worship. Being a stay-at-home-mom can be a form of worship. Being a working wife and mother can be a form of worship. Being an unmarried female student can be a form of worship. Being a divorced female doctor, a female journalist, Islamic scholar, film director, pastry chef, teacher, veterinarian, engineer, personal trainer, lawyer, artist, nurse, Qur’an teacher, psychologist, pharmacist or salon artist can each be a form of worship. Just being an awesome daughter or house-fixer upper can be forms of worship. We can worship Allah (swt) in a variety of ways, as long as we have a sincere intention, and what we do is done within the guidelines He has set for us.

Unfortunately, however, that is not the message our community is sending to single sisters – both those who have never been married, and those who are now divorced. When I speak to many women and ask them about the ways they want to contribute to society and the ways they want to use their time and abilities, a number of them will tell me that they have no idea and that they’re only going through the motions of school or work while they’re waiting for Prince Muslim to come along and with whom they can establish parenthood.

However, Prince Muslim is not coming along quickly or easily for many awesome, eligible Muslim women. And for some, he has come along, and he or the institution of their relationship turned out to be more villainous than harmonious. Single and never married or divorced — very capable and intelligent Muslim women constantly have to deal with the pressure of being asked, “So…when are you getting married? You aren’t getting any younger. It’s harder to have kids when you’re older.”

The amount of tears, pain, stress, anger and frustration which these awesome women are constantly dealing with because of a social pressure to get married (especially when many already want to, but are just not finding the right person!) and have children is not from our religion.

Islam gave women scholarship. Our history is filled with women who have dedicated their lives to teaching Islamic sciences. Have you ever heard of Fatimah Sa`d al Khayr? She was a scholar who was born around the year 522. Her father, Sa`d al Khayr, was also a scholar. He held several classes and was “most particular about [his daughters] attending hadith classes, traveling with them extensively and repeatedly to different teachers. He also taught them himself.”4 Fatimah studied the works of the great al-Tabarani with the lead narrator of his works in her time. You know who that lead narrator was? The lead narrator of Fatimah’s time was not named Abu someone (the father of someone, indicating that he was a male). The leading scholar of her time was a woman. Her name was Fatimah al-Juzadniyyah and she is the scholar who men and women alike would study under because in that era, she was the greatest and most knowledgeable in some of the classical texts.5 Fatimah Sa`d al Khayr eventually married and moved to Damascus and eventually to Cairo and she continued to teach. Many scholars travelled specifically to her city so they could study under her.6

Fatimah was brought up in a family that valued the education and knowledge of a woman to the point that her father was the one who would ensure she studied with scholars from a young age. Before marriage, she was not told to sit around and be inactive in the community out of fear that some men would find an educated woman unattractive or intimidating and would not want to marry her. She was not going through the motions of studying random things in college because she was stalling until she got married. She sought scholarship and Allah (swt) blessed her with a husband who was of her ranking, who understood her qualifications and drive, and who supported her efforts to continue teaching this religion even after marriage. She left a legacy we unfortunately have most likely never heard about because we rarely hear about the over eight thousand female scholars of hadith who are part of our history.7

Why do we never hear about Fatimah Sa`d al Khayr and the thousands of female scholars who were like her? I think that one of the reasons—and it’s just a personal theory—that as a community, we are so focused on grooming our women to be wives and mothers that we lose sight of the fact that this is not even our number one role.

Servitude to Allah (swt) is our number one role. We need to use what He has given us, the means that we have at the moment we have, to worship Him in the best of ways.

We call for revival of the Sunnah through encouraging marriage and populating the Ummah—let us follow the sunnah (tradition) the Prophet ﷺ has left for us through his wife, Aisha (may God be pleased with her)!

Who was Aisha? Was she a mother? She was never a mother. She was a scholar. She was versed in medical affairs. She was the commander of an army. She was a leader, an educator and a devout worshipper of Allah (swt). She was not known to be a great cook—even though she was the wife of the final Prophet of God! And where do we see the Prophet ﷺ admonishing her because of that? He loved her and he trained her in scholarship.

Islamic history is filled with examples of women who were wives and mothers, who focused completely on their tasks of being wives and/or mothers, and produced the likes of Imam Ahmed rahimahu allah (may God have mercy on him).8 We take those examples as a community and we reiterate the noble status of such incredible women.

But we also have examples of people who were not only wives and not only mothers, but those who were both of those, one of those, or none of those, and still were able to use the passions, talents and skills Allah (swt) blessed them with to worship Him through serving His creation, through calling His creation back to His Deen and leaving legacies for the generations to come. Some of these women were wives and mothers and dedicated their lives to focusing on their families completely and some of them continued to serve the greater society at large. It is possible to balance both; it just needs drive, stamina, support and planning.

Shaykh Mohammad Akram Nadwi mentions in his introduction to his Dictionary of women hadith scholars, Al Muhadithaat, “Not one [of the 8000 female hadith scholars he researched] is reported to have considered the domain of family life inferior, or neglected duties therein, or considered being a woman undesirable or inferior to being a man, or considered that, given aptitude and opportunity, she had no duties to the wider society, outside of the domain of family life.”9

Female scholars in our history were focused on being family women when they had families to whom they held responsibilities, and when able, they also had goals and objectives in life which extended beyond the roles of wifehood and motherhood. So what about someone who is not yet married? Many single women are using their time to the utmost, focusing on improving their skills and abilities to contribute back to the ummah (community) and society at large. They are loving worshipping Allah (swt) through investing in their abilities and using those for the greater good. Perhaps we can all take from their example.

God, in His Wisdom, has created each one of us differently and in different circumstances. Some recognize this, love any stage they are in, and develop their abilities to the fullest. Let us, too, use the time and abilities God has given us to maximize our worship to Him and work for the betterment of society and humanity as a whole. If wifehood or motherhood comes in the process, then at least we were using all of our ability to worship Him before it came and can continue to use the training and stamina we gained before marriage to worship Him with excellence once it comes along.

If there are parents, families and communities that are pressuring women to get married and have kids: Be grateful Allah (swt) has blessed you with daughters, married or unmarried, mothers or not, as the Prophet ﷺ has said, “Do not be averse to daughters, for they are precious treasures that comfort your heart.”10 We are putting more pressure on our sisters than they can emotionally and psychologically handle. Let us give them space, let them find themselves and establish their relationships with Allah (swt).

Allah (swt) created us to worship Him. That is our number one role. Now, let us do our part and figure out how best we can fulfill the purpose for which we’ve been created.

Friday, October 07, 2011

What motivates the muslim engineers...

Selepas membaca surah Al Alkahfi di pagi Jumaat yang maha berkat ini, mama buka FB dan message ini muncul dan memang agak menarik dari seorang jurutera Wanita muda ….

as-salam, my dearest makcik endok. what do u always remind yourself as an engineer,how to be useful to other & Islam? I mean being doctors/teachers, the impact is somewhat direct. just need some assurance to give me motivation in work? Jzkk

MY respond as folows:

Islam rahmatan lil alamin dan kita sebagai insan Islam perlu mengungguli risalah “membawa rahmat ke seluruh alam”. Kita mesti memberi guna kepada manusia dan alam. Engineers are nation builders, are providing safe haven and environment to overall alam including human beings as well as other makhluqats (yang bernyawa dan tidak bernyawa)......we make the systems work for all human beings to use in their everyday life, engineers facilitate, create technologies, without engineering technologies, gadgets and systems the doctors cannot function the teachers cannot teach at their fullest....we provide solutions to the world, we make their lives easier and peaceful and in synchronism with nature, we are the interface...

Mari kita ingat- ingatkan maksud Surah Al Zalzalah Maka sesiapa berbuat kebajikan seberat dzarrah, nescaya akan dilihatnya (dalam surat amalnya)! Dan sesiapa berbuat kejahatan seberat dzarrah, nescaya akan dilihatnya (dalam surat amalnya).

Dalam salah satu dari "10 muwasofat tarbiyyah" (muwasoffat terakhir) ialah Aktsaruhum naf’an (yang paling banyak manfaatnya)

“Sebaik-baik manusia adalah yang paling bermanfaat bagi manusia lainnya.”(HR. Tirmidzi)

Raihlah bahagia dengan berinfaq dan memberi (be it tenaga, jiwa dan masa walau sekuntum senyuman), ringan membantu sesama insan, dan merasa bahagia kerana membahagiakan orang lain. Jadilah peribadi unggul dengan menaburkan bibit yang baik. Bibit yang baik, kata Imam Syahid Hasan Al-Banna dalam “Mudzakirat Da’wah wa Ad Da’iyah”, di manapun ia ditanam akan menumbuhkan pohon yang baik pula. Itulah sebaik-baik manusia, solih linafsihi (soleh dirinya) hingga naafi’un lighairihi(berguna kepada orang lain) .

”Perumpamaan mukmin itu seperti lebah. Ia hinggap di tempat yang baik dan memakan yang baik, tetapi tidak merosakkan.” (HR. Thabrani)
“Perumpamaan seorang mukmin adalah seperti sebatang pohon kurma. Apapun yang kamu ambil darinya akan memberikan manfaat kepadamu.” (HR. Ath-Thabrani)

Milikilah Allah dengan sentiasa mendekat diri kita dengan-Nya. Milikilah Rasulullah dengan mantaati dan meneladaninya. Milikilah syafaat Al Qur’an dengan membaca(tilawah), merenungkan(tadabbur), menghafalkan(tahfidz), mengamalkan dan mendakwahkannya. Miliki dengan memberi.

”Berpada-padalah dalam mencintai , berpada-padalah dalam membenci, kalau perlu menangis maka sekadarnya sahaja. Tetapi bersyukurlah sepenuh jiwa dan bersabarlah setulus hati. Kesulitan akan datang pada masanya dan akan pergi pada saatnya yang Allah telah taqdirkan begitu juga kemudahan dan kelapangan

Mama kongsikan disini nukilan Prof. Dr. HAMKA dalam tafsirnya Tafsir Al-Azhar berkenaan ayat 7-8 Surah Al-Zalzalah yang di atas. Tafsir Al-Azhar merupakan salah satu tafsir yang sering menjadi bacaan dan rujukan ramai oranga. Semoga ada manfaatnya mudah-mudahan.

Di dalam kedua-dua ayat ini disebut dzarrah, yang supaya lebih popular kita artikan saja dengan debu. Padahal dzarrah adalah lebih halus dari debu. Di zaman moden ini, setelah orang menyelidiki tenaga atom dan telah dapat memanfaatkannya, maka atom itu dipakai dalam bahasa seluruh dunia dengan memakai kalimat dzarrah. Ahli-ahli fizik Arabi menyebut dzarrah itu dengan al-Jauharul-fard, benda yang sangat halus yang tidak dapat dibahagi lagi. Lantaran itu boleh jugalah kita artikan: “Dan barangsiapa yang mengerjakan setimbang atom pun kebaikan, nescaya dia akan melihatnya.” Jadi bukti bahawa tidak ada satu pun yang tersembunyi di sisi Tuhan dari hal amalan manusia dan kegiatan hidupnya, supaya dibalas dan diganjari setiap sesuatu setimpal dengan perbuatannya.

Syaikh Muhammad Abduh dalam tafsirnya menegaskan ayat ini telah menyatakan bahawa segala amalan dan usaha, baiknya atau buruknya, besarnya dan kecilnya akan dinilai oleh Tuhan. Baik yang berbuatnya itu orang beriman ataupun orang kafir. Tegasnya lagi, amal kebaikan orang yang kafir dihargai Tuhan, meskipun dia dengan demikian tidak terlepas daripada hukuman kekafirannya.

Beliau kemukakan sebuah ayat di dalam Surah 21, al-Anbiya’ ayat 47; “Bahawa di hari kiamat itu alat-alat penimbang akan diletakkan dengan sangat adil, sehingga tidak ada satu pun yang akan teraniaya, walaupun sebesar biji daripada hama (telur hama), semuanya akan dipertimbangkan.”

Dengan demikian orang yang telah mengaku beriman kepada Allah dan Rasul pun begitu. Meskipun dia telah mengaku beriman, namun dosanya atau kesalahan dan kejahatannya pun akan dipertimbangkan dan diperlihatkan. Syukurlah dia tidak mempersekutukan yang lain dengan Allah, sehingga seksaan yang akan diterimanya tidaklah seremuk sehina orang yang kafir.

La ilaha illalLah, Muhammadur RasulullahLa ilaha illalLah, Muhammadur RasulullahLa ilaha illalLah, Muhammadur Rasulullah

Maka tersebutlah bahawa Hatim ath-Thaa-iy, dermawan Arab beragama Nasrani yang terkenal di zaman jahiliyyah akan diringankan azabnya di neraka kerana di kala hidupnya dia sangat dermawan. Dan Abu Lahab paman Rasulullah SAW yang sangat terkenal benci kepada anak saudaranya yang menjadi Nabi itu, pun akan ada satu segi yang akan meringankan azabnya. Ini kerana beliau sangat bersukacita ketika Rasulullah SAW lahir ke dunia, sampai disediakannya jariahnya bernama Tsaaibah yang akan menyusukan Nabi, sebelum disusukan oleh Halimatus-Sa’diyah.

Dan sudah tentu azab seksaan yang akan diterima Abu Thalib yang mengasuh Nabi SAW sampai beliau menjadi Rasul dan membelanya sampai akhir hayatnya tidaklah akan disamakan dengan azab seksaan yang akan diterima oleh Abu Jahal. Selanjutnya tidaklah akan sama azab terhadap ahlul-kitab yang terang mempercayai Nabi-nabi dengan azab terhadap orang-orang yang sama sekali tidak mempercayai adanya Allah. Dan keringanan yang akan diterima oleh Thomas Alva Edison tentu tersedia, kerana jasanya membuat penemuan alat-alat elektrik yang dapat dipergunakan juga untuk melakukan da’wah Islam.

Selain dari itu, ayat ini pun menjadi ubat yang jadi sitawar-sidingin bagi orang-orang yang beramal dengan ikhlas untuk agama, untuk bangsa dan perikemanusiaan, tetapi mereka dilupakan orang, misalnya kerana pertentangan politik. Meskipun di dunia mereka dilupakan orang, namun kebajikan dan jasanya di kala hidupnya tetap tercatat di sisi Allah dan akan diperolehinya di hari Akhirat.

Tersebut di dalam sebuah Hadith yang diriwayatkan oleh Tirmidzi dari Ibnu Abbas, bahawa Rasulullah SAW pernah mengatakan bahawa Surah “Idza Zulzilati” adalah setimbang dengan separuh Al-Qur’an, dan “Qul Huwallaahu Ahad” setimbang dengan sepertiga Al-Qur’an, dan “Qul Yaa Ayyuhal Kaafiruuna” setimbang dengan seperempat Al-Qur’an.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Characteristics of Effective Leadership

Characteristics of Effective Leadership

by Patricia

Leadership means “the ability to lead; an act or instance of leading; guidance; direction”. The term leadership is used in many forms to describe many things but is ultimately the act of leading people in a certain direction.

Following are some leadership characteristics that successful leaders demonstrate and develop through their own professional journey.


Leaders influence other to get things done. They help others see what needs to be done and shows them the path forward. Anyone can be a leader – kids can be leaders. Did your mom ever say, “She’s a bad influence on you”? That means that person influences your thoughts and behaviors. Positive influence is what we’re going for. Leaders have effects on us that we are sometimes not even aware of.

Help Others See Things at 50,000 feet (the BIG picture)

Leaders are big picture thinkers and can rise above the day-to-day and immediate and can see things from a broad perspective. They have the ability to get people excited about where they’re going and how to get there.

Gives Others the Benefit of the Doubt

Effective leaders always give others the benefit of the doubt and believe the best in people. A true leader first gathers all the facts before drawing final conclusions. It’s amazing how one-sided a situation can look and how very different it seems when you have all the information. My husband always says there are three sides to every story. Make sure you know all the facts before making judgments.


Leaders have credibility with those they lead. What this means is a leader does what they say and says what they mean. They are the same no matter who they are around and are honest with their communications and interactions with others.


Leaders are gifted teachers and master the art of coaching others in development. They teach leadership principles and help others to develop their own creditability. They help others see areas that can be improved and coach them on how to make those improvements.

Master Delegator

Leaders develop others and learn to delegate responsibilities. This includes allowing others to make mistakes and helping them learn from it. Mistakes are the best teachers and allowing others to learn from their own mistakes is an invaluable lesson.

Empowers Others

Leaders are gifted at empowering others to take responsibility and risks. Taking risks is part of the development and learning process. People need to be comfortable taking risks and learning from mistakes.


Leaders have a high level of integrity and adhere to honesty, moral and ethical principles. They demonstrate these behaviors to others and do it consistently.

Trust and Respect

Leaders are able to gain trust and respect from others. Their behaviors are predictable and consistent.

Team Players

Leaders are team players and work with others to get things done. They operate out of a win-win philosophy and help others come to agreement and encourage collaboration in tasks.

Celebrates Successes

Effective leaders are able to recognize success and help their team celebrate those successes. This is a critical component in team function and development.

Have Right Priorities

Leaders have a good understanding of their personal priorities and are able to keep all aspects of their lives balanced. Leaders understand the importance of setting personal boundaries and giving family as much focus and attention as their professional lives.

Have you had any leaders in your life who have influenced you to get you to where you are?


How about creativity? I think that creative thinking is a massive part of leadership, the ability to offer up new ideas when existing ones are not taking people, business, teams forward is surely essential?

Absolutely! Creative thinking is definitely a major part of leadership. Leaders should be able to think outside the box with innovative ideas to be on the cutting edge. They should also be able to draw creative ideas from their teams.

– not just being creative themselves but having that ability to naturally coerce others into being creative as well.

Rukun Usrah revisit

Rukun Usrah

Usrah[1]...ukhwah Fillah ya sahabats

Pusat- Pusat Asuhan Organisasi

Instrumen ‘usrah’ merupakan salah satu dari pusat-pusat pemberdayaan organisasi dan jamaah. Usrah merupakan batu bata kepada binaan organisasi dan alat penghubung qiyadah dan jundiyyah. ‘Usrah’ boleh diumpamakan sebagai pusat asuhan organisasi dalam tajuk ‘usrah dari zero menjadi hero’..

Usrah sebagai satu pusat asuhan organisasi berdiri di atas tiga rukun utama iaitu :

1. Taaruf

  • Ia merupakan rukun pertama dan terpenting. Tanpanya tidak akan terhasil dua rukun selepasnya.
  • Dengan taaruf inilah akan lahir perasaan kasih sayang dan merasai ukhuwwah islamiyah yang sebenarnya. Ahli-ahli akan berusaha menghilangkan perkara yang boleh membawa kekeruhan dalam perhubungan.
  • Ahli-ahli cuba mengaplikasikan makna ukhuwwah dari tuntutan al-Quran dan Hadis :

“ Sesungguhnya orang-orang mukmin itu sebenarnya bersaudara”

“ dan berpegang teguhlah kamu dengan tali allah dan janganlah berpecah belah…”

Sabda Rasulullah SAW : “ seorang mukmin kepada mukmin yang lain ibarat satu binaan yang saling kuat memperkuat antara satu sama lain” ( riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim).

Seorang muslim bersaudara dengan muslim yang lain, dia tidak menzalimi dan membiarkan saudaranya dizalimi..” ( riwayat Bukhari : Fathul Bari : 2334)

  • usrah2Antara contoh taaruf ialah setiap akh perlu tahu akh seusrah tentang nama, tempat tinggal, pekerjaan,berkenalan dengan ahli keluarganya, bapanya, adik beradiknya, tahu realiti sosialnya dan lain-lain lagi.
  • Generasi sahabat adalah contoh unggul dalam mempraktikkan makna taaruf di dalam masyarakat yang dibentuk oleh Rasulullah SAW.
  • Amali kepada rukun taaruf ini ialah :

1. Setiap akh bertanya dirinya, sejauh mana dia pernah menziarahi rakan usrahnya.

2. setiap akh bertanya, adakah dia bertanya khabar akh seusrahnya.

3. Adakah ada dalam hatinya , sahabat seusrahnya merupakan sahabat yang terbaik.

4. Adakah dia mengenali ahli keluarga, nama anak-anak, tempat tinggal setiap ahli seusrahnya.

5. Adakah dia membalas kunjungan balas ziarah setiap ahli usrahnya.

2. Tafahum

  • Rukun kedua pula ialah tafahum ( saling faham memahami). Rukun faham ini bertujuan agar setiap akh sentiasa istiqamah atas manhaj kebenaran dan melaksanakan apa yang diperintahkan allah dan meninggalkan larangannya.
  • Mereka saling bermuhasabah atas ketaatan dan maksiat dan saling memberi nasihat jika melihat kekurangan yang ada pada akh mereka. Setiap akh bersedia memberi nasihat pada akh yang lain manakala akh itu pula bersedia menerima nasihat tersebut.
  • Jika akh itu tidak mampu merubah akh yang lain dengan nasihat, hendakalah ia menggunakan saluran murabbi. Murabbi akan membantu menyelesaikan dan membaiki kelemahan akh tadi.
  • Nasihat tadi diberikan dengan penuh lembut, pandangan kasih sayang. Akh yang menerima nasihat tersebut, sentiasa bersikap terbuka dan berlapang dada, tidak membalas dengan kata-kata yang kasar, berubah persepsi pada akh sehalaqah. Ini kerana kasih sayang kerana allah adalah setinggi martabat dan nasihat adalah bahagian dari rukunnya.Peringkat paling rendah salamatus sadr ( sejahtera hati) dan paling tinggi ithar ( mengutamakan akh dari dirinya).
  • Perkara yang kedua untuk membina tafahum ialah sikap saling taghafur ( mendoakan keampunan) pada akh seusrah. Sentiasa kita mendoakan kesejahteraan, kethabatan dan keampunan buat akh kita agar sentiasa dalam momentum dakwah dan perjuangan.
  • Antara contoh amali kepada tafahum ialah :
  1. Adakah anda pernah meminta nasihat dar akh anda.
  2. Adakah anda rasa sempit dada atas nasihat akh anda.
  3. Adakah anda bertanya dan meminta pandangan dari murabbi anda dalam urusan hidup anda.
  4. Adakah anda bersedia menerima teguran dari murabbi anda.
  5. Adakah anda berlapang dada dengan nasihat murabbi anda.
  6. Adakah anda sentiasa berdoa setiap solat untuk akh anda ?

3. Takaful

  • Takaful pula bermaksud setiap akh akan memikul beban akh yang lain sebagai bukti ketinggian iman dan keluhuran ukhuwwah.
  • Setiap akh hendaklah saling berjanji setia untuk melakukan kebaikan, prihatin, segera membantu jika ada kesulitan yang menimpa akh lain.
  • Serendah-rendah takaful ialah memberi bantuan apabila diminta, paling sederhana ialah membantu dengan kadar hajat yang diperlukan dan takaful yang paling tinggi ialah memberi bantuan walaupun tanpa diminta.
  • Rasulullah SAW bersabda : “manusia yang paling disayangi ialah yang paling bermanfaat kepada manusia lain, sebaik-baik amalan pula ialah memberikan kegembiraan pada saudara seislam, menghilangkan kesusahannya, melunaskan hutang, menghapuskan kelaparannya, sesungguhnya aku suka berjalan bersama saudaraku untuk menunaikan hajatnya lebih aku sukai dari beriktikaf di dalam masjid ini sebulan…”

  • Antara contoh amali rukun takaful :
  1. Adakah anda mengambil berat keperluan dan kesulitan akh anda.
  2. Adakah anda segera membantu akh anda yang ditimpa kesusahan.
  3. Adakah anda berkira-kira dengan sumbangan yang diberikan.
  4. Adakah anda bertanya pada akh anda keperluannya.
  5. Adakah anda menabung untuk meringankan keperluan dan kepayahan akh anda.

Semoga ketiga-tiga rukun ini mampu menjana usrah yang efektif, kondusif, proaktif dan positif.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Tenangkanlah jiwa

Nur Sakinah Nabilah Zaini wrote:"Kita selalu akan merasa sempit dada jika kita merasakan kitalah yang memulakan & mengakhiri perjuangan ini, tapi kesempitan ini tidak akan terasa jika kita merasai bahawa kita menyambung perjuangan yang lalu & akan di teruskan oleh generasi yang akan datang.. Adikku, usahlah kau gerun tali gantung yang akan menjerut leherku.." -Syed Qutb-