MasyaAllah, this story is very inspirational & touching.
Mama sangat teruja dan terharu dengan cerita ini (ada air bening mengalir di pelipis mata ...sob... sob...sob...) mama terkenang masa lalu KERANA mama pernah mengalami desakan emosi yang sebegini satu masa dulu (many many years down the memory lanes).
Kini dan sesunguhnya cerita ini menambahkan modal dan kekuatan untuk diri mama dan teman teman seperjuangan yang pernah mengeluh mengenai perkara yg sama, malah ada yang cara berfikir juga sama....
Ya ALlah golongkan kami dalam golongan orang yang istiqamah dan bertaqwa. Golongan Al Muttaqin yang mendapat 9 (sembilan) buah Taqwa (teringat tazkirah yang diberikan oleh seorang teman mama dalam sesi usrah kami)........ Amin
Jauh.............. kapal belayar
"Akh, dulu ana merasa semangat saat aktif dalam da'wah. Tapi belakangan rasanya semakin hambar. Ukhuwah makin kering. Bahkan ana melihat ternyata ikhwah banyak pula yang aneh-aneh."Begitu keluh kesah seorang mad'u kepada seorang murobbinya di suatu malam. Sang murobbi hanya terdiam, mencoba terus menggali semua kecamuk dalam diri mad'unya. "lalu apa yang ingin antum lakukan setelah merasakan semua itu ? " sahut sang murobbi setelah sesaat termenung. " Ana ingin berhenti saja, keluar dari tarbiyah ini. Ana kecewa dengan prilaku beberapa ikhwah yang justru tidak Islami. Juga dengan organisasi dakwah yang Ana geluti; kaku dan sering mematikan potensi anggota-anggotanya. Bila begini terus, Ana mendingan sendiri saja." Jawab mad'u itu.
Sang murobbi termenung kembali. Tidak tampak raut terkejut dari roman di wajahnya. Sorot matanya tetap terlihat tenang, seakan jawaban itu memang sudah diketahuinya sejak awal. " Akhi, bila suatu kali antum naik sebuah kapal mengarungi lautan luas. Kapal itu ternyata sudah sangat bobrok. Layarnya banyak berlubang, kayunya banyak yang keropos bahkan kabinnya bau kotoran manusia. Lalu, apa yang akan antum lakukan untuk tetap sampai pada tujuan?". Tanya sang murobbi dengan kiasan bermakna dalam. Sang mad'u terdiam dan berfikir. Tak kuasa hatinya mendapat umpan balik sedemikian tajam melalui kiasan yang amat tepat. " Apakah antum memilih untuk terjun kelaut dan berenang sampai tujuan?". Sang murobi mencoba memberi opsi. "Bila antum terjun ke laut, sesaat antum akan merasa senang. Bebas dari bau kotoran manusia, merasa kesegaran air laut, atau bebas bermain dengan ikan lumba-lumba . tapi itu hanya sesaat.
Berapa kekuatan antum untuk berenang hingga tujuan?. Bagaimana bila ikan hiu datang. Darimana antum mendapat makan dan minum? Bila malam datang, bagaimanan antum mengatasi hawa dingin?" serentetan pertanyaan dihamparkan dihadapan sang mad'u. Tak ayal, sang mad'u menangis tersedu. Tak kuasa rasa hatinya menahan kegundahan sedemikian. Kekecewaannya kadung memuncak, namun sang murobbi yang dihormati justru tidak memberi jalan keluar yang sesuai dengan keinginannya.
"Akhi, apakah antum masih merasa bahwa jalan dakwah adalah jalan yang paling utama menuju ridho Allah? " Bagaimana bila ternyata mobil yang antum kendarai dalam menempuh jalan itu ternyata mogok? Antum akan berjalan kaki meninggalkan mobil itu tergeletak dijalan, atau mencoba memperbaikinya? . Tanya sang murobbi lagi.
Sang mad'u tetap terdiam dalam sesenggukan tangis perlahannya. Tiba-tiba ia mengangkattangannya :"Cukup akhi, cukup. Ana sadar.. maafkan Ana…. ana akan tetap Istiqomah. Ana berdakwah bukan untuk mendapatkan medali kehormatan. Atau agar setiap kata-kata ana diperhatikan…
"Biarlah yang lain dengan urusan pribadinya masing-masing. Biarlah ana tetap berjalan dalam dakwah. Dan hanya Allah saja yang akan membahagiakan ana kelak dengan janji-janji- Nya. Biarlah segala kepedihan yang ana rasakan menjadi pelebur dosa-dosa ana". Sang mad'u berazzam dihadapan sang murobbi yang semakin dihormatinya.
Sang murobbi tersenyum "Akhi, jama'ah ini adalah jamaah manusia. Mereka adalah kumpulan insan yang punya banyak kelemahan. Tapi dibalik kelemahan itu, masih amat banyak kebaikan yang mereka miliki . Mereka adalah pribadi-pribadi yang menyambut seruan Allah untuk berdakwah. Dengan begitu, mereka sedang berproses menjadi manusia terbaik pilihan Allah." "Bila ada satu dua kelemahan dan kesalahan mereka, janganlah hal itu mendominasi perasaan antum. Sebagaimana Allah ta'ala menghapus dosa manusia dengan amal baik mereka, hapuslah kesalahan mereka dimata antum dengan kebaikan-kebaikan mereka terhadap dakwah selama ini. Karena di mata Allah, belum tentu antum lebih baik dari mereka."
"Futur, mundur, kecewa atau bahkan berpaling menjadi lawan bukanlah jalan yang masuk akal. Apabila setiap ketidak-sepakatan selalu disikapi dengan jalan itu , maka kapankah dakwah ini dapat berjalan dengan baik?" sambungnya panjang lebar. "Kita bukan sekedar pengamat yang hanya bisa berkomentar. Atau hanya pandai menuding-nuding sebuah kesalahan. Kalau hanya itu, orang kafirpun bisa melakukannya. Tapi kita adalah da'i. kita adalah khalifah. Kitalah yang diserahi amanat oleh Allah untuk membenahi masalah-masalah di muka bumi. Bukan hanya mengeksposnya, yang bisa jadi justru semakin memperuncing masalah.
"Jangan sampai, kita seperti menyiram bensin ke sebuah bara api. Bara yang tadinya kecil.tak bernilai, bisa menjelma menjadi nyala api yang yang membakar apa saja. Termasuk kita sendiri!" "Bekerjalah dengan ikhlas. Berilah taushiah dalam kebenaran, kesabaran dan kasih sayang kepada semua ikhwah yang terlibat dalam organisasi itu. Karena peringatan selalu berguna bagi orang beriman. Bila ada isyu atau gosip tutuplah telinga antum dan bertaubatlah. Singkirkan segala ghil antum terhadap saudara antum sendiri. Dengan itulah, Bilal yang mantan seorang hamba hina menemui kemuliaannya.
" Suasana dialog itu mulai mencair. Semakin lama, pembicaraaan melebar dengan akrabnya. Tak terasa, kokok ayam jantan memecah suasana. Sang mad'u bergegas mengambil wudhu untuk berqiyamu lail. Malam itu. Sang mad'u sibuk membangunkan mad'u yang lain dari asyik tidurnya. Malam itu sang mad'u menyadari kesalahannya. Ia bertekad untuk tetap berputar bersama jama'ah dalam mengarungi jalan dakwah. Pencerahan diperolehnya. Demikian juga yang kita harapkan dari semua kita.
Larian Waktu terlalu pantas. Tidak terkejarkan. Ia ibarat pedang yang memotong kehidupan. Waktu yang terpotong hanya boleh diabadikan. Waktu yang diabadikan adalah tulisan kehidupan. Tulisan kehidupan mungkin dapat memberi makna, menjentik intuisi, memperkaya inspirasi,merakam masa lalu dengan kesyukuran, masa depan penuh harapan
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
9 Steps to a Successful Business Turnaround
9 Steps to a Successful Business Turnaround
If the business is not working out as planned then it may be time to investigate what to do to turn the business around. There are 9 basic steps that a business owner should follow to succeed.
Many owners of small and medium sized businesses have successfully used these steps to improve their business results.
Step 1: Write up proper plans.
It is absolutely critical that your business has written plans relating to your operation. Companies who develop and follow their plans on a day to day basis generally never get into trouble. The plan is the roadmap for your business. Your plan makes it easier to detect when you have run off the road and what you have to do to get back on. It prevents your business running into difficulties from which you may not be able to recover.
Everyone involved in a business - management, employees and the business owners - need to understand the business’s future plans as well as how to achieve the objectives of those plans. Each person needs to see how they fit in and what they have to do to assist in meeting the targets. Many people value the opportunity of putting forward suggestions, ideas and skills from their own experience that may help turn the business around.
Step 2: Keep contact with the key staff and directors.
When things are tough and a turnaround is needed, get together your key people and have a “no holes barred” brainstorming session focused on how to fix things. Don’t go into a meeting without a plan because people lose confidence in leaders who lack a plan and who have no vision for the business.
Present yourself as being self-assured, open minded, flexible. Listen to your key people as well as other advisers.
Step 3: Keep in touch with your staff.
Your people are the most important asset that your business will ever have. People make the business. Nothing can be achieved without the skill employees and managers bring into the operation. Where necessary meet with everyone and explain the current business situation. Try to find out what others think. See if anyone with expertise can throw some light on what is going wrong and together agree on possible strategies to improve the position. You may be amazed at how employees and managers will rise to the challenge of volunteering their input when asked.
Step 4: Meet often with your customers.
It’s a small world out there and many rumours abound. You don’t want loose speculation flying around the business community about the problems your business may be having. You don’t want your key customers to become nervous. Some may start looking for other suppliers if they suspect things are not good. It is important for you to stay close to your customers and keep them informed of the situation. They need to know that you have the matter under control. They need reassurance. They need to see that you have a sound plan to correct your current state of affairs. They need to know that they are not endangered financially in any way
Most customers will work with you because you are also part of their own business. They are dependent on you to supply them with the products that they need. Don’t go into detail, but simply inform your customers of your situation and how your business is planning to correct the temporary problem. It is important to be reassuring and confident, but it’s not necessary to go into detail.
Step 5: Meet with your suppliers.
Suppliers get very nervous when they hear on the grapevine that one of their customers may be having problems. Gossip and bad news travel faster than good news, so be aware that some people need to be alerted quickly before things get out of hand.
Once again, prepare a statement to your suppliers of the temporary problems your business is facing. Let them know about the plans you have to correct the situation. Most suppliers understand where you are at because many of them have been in the same position in the past. You will be pleasantly surprised at the support you will receive from most suppliers. They will stick by you as long as you are open and not deceitful.
Step 6: Talk with the tax man.
If you find that your situation does not allow you to pay your tax on time, get in touch with the Taxation Department. You'll have a better hearing from them if you are upfront with everything. Most tax departments will work out a strategy allowing you extra time to meet your tax obligations.
Step 7: Keep close to your bank.
If you need more funds and you have a loan in place or a line of credit, talk to your bank manager or loan officer. Let your bank know what your needs are. Don’t write. It's best to deal with these things face to face. Give them the bad news, but follow this up quickly with your proposed plan of action. Be confident and reassuring. This will guarantee you a better hearing and co-operation.
Step 8: Retain the staff you need.
Sometimes it is too much stress trying to look after all staff if there is not enough money coming into the business to pay everyone. No one likes to let people go, but if the business is to survive you may have to retain only those who are essential for producing the products or making the sales.
Step 9: Reduce all costs.
Sit down and make a list of all expenditure in your business. Eliminate what you can do without. Some expenses can be put forward to the future. Other costs can be reduced immediately without affecting the business operation. Sometimes it's not always a matter of trying to generate additional sales or income. Sometimes the more drastic action of cutting expenses mercilessly can fix the problem overnight.
If the business is not working out as planned then it may be time to investigate what to do to turn the business around. There are 9 basic steps that a business owner should follow to succeed.
Many owners of small and medium sized businesses have successfully used these steps to improve their business results.
Step 1: Write up proper plans.
It is absolutely critical that your business has written plans relating to your operation. Companies who develop and follow their plans on a day to day basis generally never get into trouble. The plan is the roadmap for your business. Your plan makes it easier to detect when you have run off the road and what you have to do to get back on. It prevents your business running into difficulties from which you may not be able to recover.
Everyone involved in a business - management, employees and the business owners - need to understand the business’s future plans as well as how to achieve the objectives of those plans. Each person needs to see how they fit in and what they have to do to assist in meeting the targets. Many people value the opportunity of putting forward suggestions, ideas and skills from their own experience that may help turn the business around.
Step 2: Keep contact with the key staff and directors.
When things are tough and a turnaround is needed, get together your key people and have a “no holes barred” brainstorming session focused on how to fix things. Don’t go into a meeting without a plan because people lose confidence in leaders who lack a plan and who have no vision for the business.
Present yourself as being self-assured, open minded, flexible. Listen to your key people as well as other advisers.
Step 3: Keep in touch with your staff.
Your people are the most important asset that your business will ever have. People make the business. Nothing can be achieved without the skill employees and managers bring into the operation. Where necessary meet with everyone and explain the current business situation. Try to find out what others think. See if anyone with expertise can throw some light on what is going wrong and together agree on possible strategies to improve the position. You may be amazed at how employees and managers will rise to the challenge of volunteering their input when asked.
Step 4: Meet often with your customers.
It’s a small world out there and many rumours abound. You don’t want loose speculation flying around the business community about the problems your business may be having. You don’t want your key customers to become nervous. Some may start looking for other suppliers if they suspect things are not good. It is important for you to stay close to your customers and keep them informed of the situation. They need to know that you have the matter under control. They need reassurance. They need to see that you have a sound plan to correct your current state of affairs. They need to know that they are not endangered financially in any way
Most customers will work with you because you are also part of their own business. They are dependent on you to supply them with the products that they need. Don’t go into detail, but simply inform your customers of your situation and how your business is planning to correct the temporary problem. It is important to be reassuring and confident, but it’s not necessary to go into detail.
Step 5: Meet with your suppliers.
Suppliers get very nervous when they hear on the grapevine that one of their customers may be having problems. Gossip and bad news travel faster than good news, so be aware that some people need to be alerted quickly before things get out of hand.
Once again, prepare a statement to your suppliers of the temporary problems your business is facing. Let them know about the plans you have to correct the situation. Most suppliers understand where you are at because many of them have been in the same position in the past. You will be pleasantly surprised at the support you will receive from most suppliers. They will stick by you as long as you are open and not deceitful.
Step 6: Talk with the tax man.
If you find that your situation does not allow you to pay your tax on time, get in touch with the Taxation Department. You'll have a better hearing from them if you are upfront with everything. Most tax departments will work out a strategy allowing you extra time to meet your tax obligations.
Step 7: Keep close to your bank.
If you need more funds and you have a loan in place or a line of credit, talk to your bank manager or loan officer. Let your bank know what your needs are. Don’t write. It's best to deal with these things face to face. Give them the bad news, but follow this up quickly with your proposed plan of action. Be confident and reassuring. This will guarantee you a better hearing and co-operation.
Step 8: Retain the staff you need.
Sometimes it is too much stress trying to look after all staff if there is not enough money coming into the business to pay everyone. No one likes to let people go, but if the business is to survive you may have to retain only those who are essential for producing the products or making the sales.
Step 9: Reduce all costs.
Sit down and make a list of all expenditure in your business. Eliminate what you can do without. Some expenses can be put forward to the future. Other costs can be reduced immediately without affecting the business operation. Sometimes it's not always a matter of trying to generate additional sales or income. Sometimes the more drastic action of cutting expenses mercilessly can fix the problem overnight.
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